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Fauci ignored early reports of COVID vaccine injuries, document shows



Fauci ignored early reports of COVID vaccine injuries, document shows
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Dr. Anthony Fauci knew COVID-19 vaccines were causing serious injuries within days of the vaccines’ rollout in December 2020, according to documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense (CHD).

The 300-page tranche of documents released on April 21 relates to correspondence between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and people who contacted the agency about adverse events they experienced after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Joel Wallskog is a Wisconsin orthopedic surgeon who stopped practicing medicine after being injured by Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. He told The Defender the documents prove public health officials, including Fauci, “were well aware of the avalanche of adverse events that were occurring early in 2021.”

“No communication was made about these adverse events to the public,” said Wallskog, now co-chairman of React19, a nonprofit representing vaccine injury victims. “This prevented the public from receiving informed consent.”

Wallskog said that while the emails “are heartbreaking,” Fauci “was too busy to respond to Americans pleading for help.”

READ ALSO: People injured by COVID vaccines being ignored, study shows

Dr. Danice Hertz, a retired gastroenterologist from California who was injured by the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, told The Defender it was painful for her “to see proof that the heads of the regulatory agencies knew very well from the start of the vaccine campaign of the serious adverse reactions these vaccines have caused.”

“The heads of these agencies need to be held responsible and disciplined appropriately. In addition, the dangers of these vaccines need to be made public and those impacted by the vaccines need to be helped and compensated appropriately,” she added.

Fauci is set to testify publicly for the first time since retiring from public service at a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

According to the email (pages 192-193), the person developed facial “burning and tingling” within 30 minutes of receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This was soon followed by tachycardia, a “near syncopal event” and shortness of breath. Intermittent burning, redness, swelling and facial tingling continued.

“I believe that I have had an anaphylactoid reaction to the vaccine,” the person wrote. “I have alerted my hospital, Pfizer, VAER[S] and Vsafe … and have had no response from anybody. I thought maybe you or someone might want to know about my reaction.”

In a Dec. 27, 2020 follow-up email, the same person wrote, “I think you should read my email. The website does not help me.” No further communications occurred, based on the documents NIH released.

A Sept. 21, 2021, email (page 197) to Fauci with the subject line, “Pfizer vaccination reaction concerns for adolescents,” contained details about a vaccine-injured adolescent. The email likely came from the doctor of an adolescent girl who received both doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in August 2021.

“She experienced chest discomfort and some fatigue with the first dose with no sequelae,” the email read. “The second dose, within 12 hours, resulted in severe chest pain, hypotension and a syncopal episode” that resulted in a visit to the ER.

READ ALSO: Man injured by Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine wins ‘landmark’ claim against employer

The doctor expressed concern about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines for children. “My question and concern deals with future vaccinations and possible administration of a booster shot to her. If appropriate to direct me to any links as to ongoing studies involving children, adolescents regarding boosters.”

In a Feb. 8, 2021, email (page 190) under the subject line, “Rare Side Effects from Covid Vaccine,” another person told Fauci about adverse reactions after the second dose.

According to the email, the person “developed severe lymphadenopathy” in their neck, chest and axilla within 16 hours of receiving the second shot, “which is still present 5 weeks later.” Other symptoms listed include persistent fever, myalgias, arthralgias, “severe spine and neck pain” and “jello”-like upper arm weakness.

“I feel that I need to see a research based immunologist who can explore why I have this bilateral upper arm weakness and lymphadenopathy that has been persistent for more than 5 weeks,” this individual wrote. “If you are interested in my case, I will be happy to share my information with you and your team.”

Several emails addressed myocarditis cases. One of those — “Question on adverse reaction to Pfizer vaccine in older adults and second dose” — was sent by a vaccine-injured individual on July 30, 2021 (page 200).

The author of the email experienced “ongoing generalized chest pains” which “did not quite match descriptions of a heart attack” within “a few days” of the first dose of the vaccine. The person’s pharmacist said, “Myocarditis has been reported in some people” after vaccination and recommended the submission of a VAERS report.

“I did so, but was wondering if my case was actually reported, since the news is focused on cases in younger adults,” the person wrote. “I was wondering if cases in older adults are being accurately reported.”

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