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Army raid kidnappers den, rescue commissioner in C/River



Army raid kidnappers den, rescue commissioner in C/River
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Troops of 13 Brigade Nigerian Army, Calabar, deployed for Operation Akpakwu, have rescued the Commissioner for Women Affairs in Cross River, Mrs Gertrude Njar, from captivity.

The announcement of her rescue is contained in a statement by Capt. Dorcas Aluko, Army Public Relations Officer, 13 Brigade, Calabar on Wednesday.

The Commissioner was kidnapped on Feb. 1 in Mayne Avenue area, Calabar South.

”Acting on actionable intelligence on victim’s whereabout, troops laid a tacit ambush for the kidnappers around Peter Effiong Creek, Messembe, Jebs.

”The gallant troops tactically sprung an ambush to take the kidnappers by surprise while on search of the victim.

”In the ensuing melee, the criminals abandoned the victim and fled into the creeks,” Aluko said.

She added that the troops were on the trail of the fleeing criminals.

According to Aluko, the victim is currently receiving medical treatment, after which she will be discharged.

”The Commander 13 Brigade Nigerian Army commends troops for their gallantry and urges them to sustain the tempo against all criminal elements in the Brigade’s Area of Responsibility.

”Members of the general public are also encouraged to continue providing timely and accurate information on criminal activities within their vicinities,” she said.


Source – NAN

