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Christ Embassy hosts gathering of champions at IPPC 2018



Pastor Chris hosts a 5-day Your Loveworld Specials Live broadcasts from today
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The Loveworld Incorporated (Christ Embassy) held its International Pastors and Partners Conference (IPPC) 2018, in Lagos from 12th to 18th of November. The event which many have described as the United Nations of Christendom attracted delegates of diverse cultural, ethnic, national and social background from over 160 different countries to Lagos for this one week event. “Calling it the gathering of Eagles would be an understatement”, so says one of the organisers who spoke to The National Daily. The city was on a very positive lockdown throughout the duration of the event as thousands of delegates from across the world descended on Lagos to participate in this all important event which marks the end of the year and the beginning of another for Believers Loveworld nation. Interestingly, every year has witnessed the growing number of participants from more countries than the preceding year, which is a pointer to the global impacts and expansion of the Ministry across the world.

Immigration officials at the Muritala Mohammed International Airport attested to the fact that they have never experienced such number of passengers from very diverse countries come to Nigeria within a given period. Aside from the airport officials, the hospitality industry witnessed a boom as almost every hotel within the Ikeja axis and environs were fully booked for an entire week, moreso, many hoteliers who spoke with The National Daily said they had to embark on series of upgrades prior to the event because they have come to understand what many of these foreigners lookout for in a hotel. Others sectors that were positively impacted were transportation and logistics as over 100 air-conditioned buses were chattered, while companies like Uber, Taxify, conventional taxi drivers, and even the new bike sharing service company start-up, Gokada, were not left out as they had their hands full with customers.

This year’s event was extraordinary in every respect, especially as it is the year of the supernatural. This was aptly captured by Pastor Siji Darah who highlighted that “no two IPPCs are the same, thus the need to be highly expectant because each comes with a specific message for a specific time”. The Conference kicked off with Pastor’s Conference at the imposing Loveworld Convocation Arena (LCA) facility on Billingsway, Oregun, Lagos State, Nigeria. According to the Chairman of the International Pastors and Partners Conference 2018, Pastor Joy Amenkhienan, this event could be better described as the IPPC of the year of Ten-In-One. Pastor Joy, who is the Zonal Pastors of Christ Embassy Port Harcourt Zone, and Regional Pastor, Northern Region, Nigeria, pointed out that this one week impartation of blessing from Pastor Chris will enable delegates to function supernaturally throughout this year and beyond.

The event attracted about 25,000 delegates from over 160 countries of the world. This congregation of pastors, partners, gospel music ministers from around the world were hosted to life-changing conferences, trainings, awards and the awesome celebration of the ministry’s achievements, marking the end of the Believers Loveworld (BLW) year 2018 and the beginning of the BLW year 2019. The delegates were treated to awesome celebration of the ministry’s achievements, and a peep into the activities the Ministry plans to embark on in the year 2019.

Most delegates who spoke with National Daily pointed out that their expectations know no bound as this year is special in many respects in the year of Ten-in-One. They were served to a variety of eight delightful groups of conferences, organized to celebrate, inspire, move up and equip passionate gospel activists, who have traveled from all over the world. The eight conferences are: The International Pastors’ Conference, The International Partners’ Conference, The LoveWorld Exhibition, The LoveWorld Awards, The LoveWorld International Music and Arts Awards (LIMA), The International Media Connectors’ Conference and The International Teens Pastors’ and Leaders’ Conference. From every indication, this year has truly been the Year of the Supernatural to members of the Believers Loveworld nation as exemplified by their enthusiasm to celebrate achievements from the outgoing year, and be fully equipped for the year 2019.The Pastors Conference brings together thousands of pastors from the Believers Loveworld nation and those from other ministries, who are in Lagos to learn, unlearn and relearn at the feet of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and be superbly equipped for the years ahead.

The air was full of expectations as delegates embarked on a journey of the spirit and the heart, for upliftment by the fire and passion of the expositions from Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and other ministers. This year’s event was so different in that nobody is left out. It catered to all ages, where both young and old may exult in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The teens and even the children are not left out as awesome spaces have been created for them to participate in this all glorious encounter.  In addition to the array of sermons, prayers, and workshops, the event had concerts, dance performances and many more uplifting and exhilarating cultural shows, all of which are infused with the divine spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pastor Chris did not disappoint as he broke new grounds with his teaching which centered on the major theme of “The Power and Pursuit of Purpose”. He further broke this down into seven different sub-sections viz; The Power of Resources, The Power of Faith, The Power of Love, The Power of Focus, The Power of Communication, The Power of Purity, The Power of Prayer. He then had a separate teaching on the importance of each of these subsections dovetailing it into every day activities and how such affects the lives of individuals. He insisted that for Christians to make progress in life, they must be properly guided on these. Speaking on one aspect of the Power of Resources, he pointed out why it is important for Christians to have an ownership mentality, he told the delegates that the world belongs to them by virtue of being connected to Abraham and his seed because God willed the ownership of this world to his children, he said.

Speaking further, Pastor said that “When I enter a city, I’m taking over. I’m a man of the spirit. Never allow a city to overwhelm you”. He gave an apt example with his experience when he the Church had a programme at the O2 Arena in London, and the crowd was overwhelming, but, “the first time I had a programme the crowd was about 100 people. I told them to have a different mentality… You’re not an immigrant, you’re the owner of any place you find yourself, the Lord owns the whole world, we are the seed of Abraham. The whole world belongs to us”.

Backing it up with scriptural references, Pastor read from the book of Joshua 11-3 (KJV) “Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.”

Joshua according to Pastor was supposed to be an immigrant with a slave mentality, but God trained him not to think like a slave. God told him to “meditate on the word day and night, turn not away from it. Stay on it. Unto these people shall you divide their inheritance of the land I will give them, everywhere the sole of your foot gets to, I’ve given you”.

“I’m never impressed by the tall buildings. I’m a possessor. I know who I am. Think differently. Raise your vision. Don’t think like a man. When did you become a man or a woman? Pastor asked. He further drew allusions from the Book of 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 (NIV) where Paul admonished the Corinthian Church on their rights in Christ, “Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?”

He further informed the delegates on the importance of talking into their lives. According to him, “in your Christian life, your talking takes you there. What are you? You’re new creatures. You’re indescribable because of your constantly changing glory. It’s about fighting the fight of faith with your body which is given to you as a gift of trust. You resemble your words. What you say is who you are in the spirit. See yourselves as a new creature of beauty and excellence” he added.


On the last day of the event, he taught about the importance of prayers which was part of the subsection on the ‘Power of Prayers’. Every Christian must not only know how but should also pray, he said. “Every Christian must learn effective prayer. The role of prayers in the life of a Christian and also in the growth of the church. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, not through the name of Jesus. He’s not a medium. We pray in His name because He gave us the legal authority to pray in His stead. There are several other roles you can get our books”.

He explained how effective prayers changed a lot of nagging challenges in the life of the Believers’ Loveworld giving examples with experiences in the United Kingdom and in South Africa when the authorities threatened to shut down church programmes. And how prayers can change anything, and any circumstances in life. He also spoke on an interview he had with President Olusegun Obasanjo which he said was very insightful on leadership challenges and politics in Nigerian and Africa. He concluded by telling the delegates that they should be writing down the things they are going to do with all they have received in this Conference. It was such an amazing outing for the Ministry as this marked the beginning of a much glorious year for Believers’ Loveworld.

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