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Gov Uno names road after predecessor, Udom Emmanuel



Gov Uno names road after predecessor, Udom Emmanuel
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Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State, commissioning the expanded 21.5Km portion of Oron Road, named the road after his predecessor as Udom Emmanuel Boulevard, which stretches from Ring Road III roundabout to the Victor Attah International Airport Gate.

According to governor Umo Eno, @_PastorUmoEno


Gov Uno names road after predecessor, Udom Emmanuel

Gov Umo ENo and former Gov Udom Emmanuel commissioning the expanded 21.5Km portion of Oron Road

“Yesterday I commissioned the expanded 21.5Km portion of Oron Road, now named Udom Emmanuel Boulevard, which stretches from Ring Road III roundabout to the Victor Attah International Airport Gate.

Gov Uno names road after predecessor, Udom Emmanuel

The expanded 21.5Km portion of Oron Road commissioned by Gov Umo Eno

“This renaming recognizes the strategic development initiated by my predecessor. With the finishing anointing, we completed this vital project, adding features that enhance the state’s ambience for visitors.

“I reaffirm my commitment to continuity by completing all inherited projects and advancing Akwa Ibom’s infrastructural development.

“Thank you to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for the federal support, and to all who have supported our ARISE Agenda.”

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