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Govt shuts down Hotel after strange death, missing of customers in Abia



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The Abia State government has shut down Merry Home Hotels after the strange death of some customers, as well as the missing of some persons who lodged at the hotel.

The Commissioner for Information in Abia State, Dr. Eze Chikamnayo, said in Umuahia on Saturday, that the action of the government was precipitated by repeated reports of death and disappearance of customers under strange circumstances who lodge at the hotel located around 7UP area of Ogbor Hill in Aba.

It was disclosed that the body of an unidentified lady was found at the hotel, while many other persons patronizing the hotel were said to be missing, and their whereabouts unknown.

The commissioner, Dr. Eze Chikamnayo, confirmed the most recent death of a lady who arrived at the hotel with two young men and a baby in the afternoon of April 15, saying this was confirmed by the CCTV footage in the hotel. The commissioner said that the men left the hotel with the baby hours later but left the lady behind. The lady was found dead with her body dismembered after the hotel management broke into the room at midnight to check her.

He added that the state government also received reports of killings in the hotel around the swimming pool arena.

Chikamnayo disclosed that the police have arrested the prime suspects of the April 15 killing, saying that the hotel would remain sealed till further notice. He cautioned that hotels that provide space for killings and kidnapping would automatically be sealed and the management prosecuted.

The Abia State Police Command was also said to have confirmed the death of the lady. The Police Public Relations Officer of the Abia Command, Geoffrey Ogbonna, disclosed that the body of the lady has since been deposited at a morgue.

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