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HURIWA demands arms licence to adults without crimes records



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As attacks, kidnappings and killings by non-state actors heighten just weeks to the 2023 general elections, civil rights advocacy group, Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria, (HURIWA) on Sunday, has called for the liberalisation of AK-47 license to all adults without criminal records.

HURIWA’s National Coordinator, Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko, in a statement said it is important for states and the Federal Government to stem the tide of violent kidnappers including the new dimension introduced all over the country where marauders raze down buildings after slaughtering innocent citizens.

The group reiterated its call for the formation of the National Guard to support the already overwhelmed security apparatus presently in existence.

According to reports, no fewer than 19 persons were kidnapped in the last 24 hours, with relatives of the victims and residents of the communities where the incidents took place crying out to the security agencies for help.

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Commenting, HURIWA’s Onwubiko said, “The simultaneous attacks and kidnappings nationwide are ominous, especially weeks to the general elections. This undesirable trend must be stopped immediately. State Governments and the Federal Government must come up with proactive measures to stem the tide of violent kidnappers including the new dimension introduced where the dark-hearted criminals burn the residence of their victims in broad daylight. The anarchy going on in the country must be stopped forthwith.

“Concerned about the multifarious security challenges confronting the nation notorious amongst which is kidnapping, banditry and terrorism, some governors have taken the initiative to set up security outfits owned and funded by their respective state governments. The Amotekun Corps operational in the South-West, Ebube Agu in the South-East and the Benue Guards in Benue State.

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“It’s high time for the government to grant licences for AK-47 firearms to all adults with clean records and without crime. The formation of the National Guard is equally important. The Federal Government must ensure the liberalisation of AK-47 licences for all adults without criminal past who should be under regular evaluation by the Department of State Services.

“Unarguably, Section 33 of the 1999 Constitution guarantees the fundamental right to life of every Nigerian Citizen. According to Section 17(2) (b) of the same constitution, ‘the sanctity of the human person shall be recognised’ and Section 33(2) (a) makes self defence lawful when undertaken in ‘defence of any person from unlawful violence or for the defence of property’.

“Certainly, the Federal Government has failed in its primary duty as stated under section 14(2) (b) of Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution which goes thus: ‘the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government’.

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