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ISIS drug intercepted in Lagos, trafficker arrested



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A consignment of drugs shipped into Nigeria in well concealed machine cylinders has been intercepted by a team of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), the DSS and the NDLEA.

Comptroller Malanta Yusuf, Apapa Command Area, announced the discovery at the Apapa port on September 1.

The drug commonly called Captagon or Fenethylline is a member of the amphetamine and theophylline family.

Nicknamed ‘the jihad drug’, Captagon keeps users happy and alert for long, and kills pain.

Yusuf disclosed that one suspect in connection with the seizure was arrested. Further dismantling of cylinders in the machine is ongoing.

He confirmed Captagon remains one of the stimulants ISIS insurgents and other fighters involved in the Middle East indulge in.

Hooked, the junkie experiences extreme depression, lethargy, insomnia, occasional palpitation of the heart, blood vessel toxicity and malnutrition.

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