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Minister applauds Tobi Amusan over new record title, Jamaican invitational victory



Minister applauds Tobi Amusan over new record title, Jamaican invitational victory
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The Nigeria Minister for Sports Development, Sen. John Owan Enoh has applauded world record holder in the 100m hurdles, Nigeria’s Tobi Amusan for posting the world’s leading time of 12.40s at the Jamaican Athletics Invitational Sunday.

Senator Enoh who urged her to keep soaring in the sport, stressed that her performance is a sign that Nigeria is set to break the jinx of a gold medal in tracks at the forthcoming Paris Olympics in France.

The minister in a statement said, “Take your flowers Tobi Amusan, you stormed to an emphatic win in the women’s 100m hurdles at the Jamaica Athletics Invitational, clocking a time of 12.40s (0.9), a World Lead time.

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“You defeated World Champion Danielle Williams, who came 2nd in 12.46s, while Christina Clemons was 3rd in 12.54s.

“Tobi, you keep making our country proud.

Paris Olympics is around the corner, your performance gives us hope just like others, that Nigeria is set to break a jinx.

Keep soaring, we are proud of you”, he added.
