‘Mkpulummiri’ is the Igbo slang for a very dangerous hard drug called Methamphetamine or Crystal Meth. It is also known as ‘Ice’. Nowadays, thousands of Igbo youths are addicted to Mkpulummiri and it has become a serious issue. If nothing is done to curb this menace, it will lead many more youths astray as it does to the present drug users.
According to health experts, Methamphetamine is known as one of the hardest drug addictions to deal with. It is said to be very addictive and affects the human central nervous system. It brings about a feeling of enormous happiness and gives the users some kind of confidence that makes them want to fly.
Mkpulummiri appears like “Ice Block” and sometimes it can be blue. When the effect wears off from the taker — he/she tries to have that feeling again. So the user indulges in it again, and again.

According to WebMD, here are some signs of someone who is addicted to meth:
-They dress tatteredly and are always looking shabbily. At this stage, they do not care about their appearance.
-Always pulling their hair or skin.
-They always have little or no appetite, thereby, they lose weight drastically.
-Moving eyes from side to side, every time.
-Strange sleeping patterns.
-Nonstop talking.
-They are either borrowing money, selling possessions, or stealing to procure the meth drug.
-They always display mood swings and violent tendencies.
-Psychotic attitudes, such as hallucinations and paranoia.
Consumption of Mkpulummiri causes the user insomnia and high body temperature, which may lead to possible death. Also, the user will age fast and always look sick with lots of acnes. Right now, there is no immediate drug or cure for the Mkpulummiri addiction, and the therapy solution is not readily obtainable in Nigeria.