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Oriade Council boss gives indigent students 150 free GCE forms



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  • task people on hygiene

Affirming her love for academic excellence the Executive Chairman of Oriade Local Council Development Area, Hon. Ramota Akinlola Hassan,has promised to give scholarship to students who would end up making seven credits in their General Certificate Examination.

The former member of Lagos State House now Chairman of a council,made this promise while giving out free GCE forms to 150 indigent student randomly selected across Oriade LCDA.

Ramota noted that the gesture was a continuum of her usual practice to afford a gleam of hope to the downtrodden, who if given the opportunity can unleash inherent potentials that can help turn the nation’s fortune around for good.

“I gave 150 free GCE forms to people from different ethnic groups in the nation who are within my council, I am all out to salvage the situation by ensuring education takes the front seat,I did such a thing while in the House of Assembly.

“So we are giving those who don’t have the means in getting this form and also it is a fulfillment of our campaign promises and we have to do it for them since it is their right to be educated, at least we will give four student with best grades scholarship to any University, education is the legacy to life and when you are educated,you’ve gotten everything you want in life,it is good to empower the youths.

“I also gave Laptop, Desktop and Printers to the management and staff of Oriade Local Council Development Area”She said.

Daniel David Abiodun a beneficiary of the gesture,expressed profound appreciation noting he had never thought he would write the exam this year but for the chairman’s intervention.

He advise his colleagues to make her proud by coming top in the examination.

Igwe Anthonia another beneficiary appreciated the chairman for not discriminating anyone but giving the forms to everybody not minding the tribe such and one hails from.

A town hall meeting was also held at Oriade LCDA, where the council boss educated the people on the need to conform with standards set by the State Government in respect to environmental sanitation for proper hygiene maintenance,stressing that people should eschew indiscriminate disposal of refuse,abandon of vehicles and trading on the roads.

“I urge you all to ensure cleanliness as refuse is disgusting and health is wealth,use of incinerators have been outlawed in the state,you are expected to dispose your waste properly,the indiscriminate dumping of waste end up blocking our drainage,so you must end this wrong  culture,get waste bin where you can put your waste instead.

Ramota also enlighten the stakeholders at the town hall parley on the difference between dues payable to the local government for Liquor, Radio/TV and food,advising the traders to be mindful of this when opening a shop.

“Mechanics should rather find a space where they can do their repairs not on the main roads,we won’t tolerate that as it most times constitutes health hazards on our environment”She added.

