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Resistance increases against censorship of media exposure of covid fallacies



Biggest casualty of COVID? Personal Freedoms
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There is increasing resistance across the world to censorship of media exposures of covid fallacies, creative fears, and uncertainties by government authorities and big PHARMACOs.  Accordingly, governments’ abuse of power, attacks on democratic freedoms, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance have come under fierce resistance of medical and academic activists.

National Daily gathered that a Podcast giant, Joe Rogan, had admonished the legacy media to desist from continuous efforts to deplatform him from Spotify.

Joe Rogan on Thursday disclosed the “problem” various news sources have with him over his revelations of the fallacies of covid. According to Rogan: “more people believe me or trust me or want to listen to me talk.

“The answer is not to silence me, the answer is [for] you to do better.

“The answer is for you to have better arguments. When you’re on television talking about how I’m taking horse paste, and you know that’s not true. ‘He’s taking horse dewormer.”

He declared: “What you should have said, ‘How did Joe Rogan get better so quick? How come he got COVID that’s killing everybody and he was better in five days, negative in five days, working out in six days?’ How come that’s never discussed?”

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