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Russian forces apprehend two UK Aid workers in Ukraine suspected to be spies



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Russian forces have apprehended two United Kingdom (U.K.) aid volunteer workers in Ukraine, suspected to be “spies”. A humanitarian organization and family of one of the aid workers on Friday revealed the incident.

Presidium Network, a humanitarian organization, had narrated that the victims, Paul Urey, and Dylan Healy, were “captured” by Russian soldiers on Monday at a checkpoint south of the city of Zaporizhzhia in southeastern Ukraine. Presidium Network said that the victims were operating independently to intervene in getting vulnerable Ukrainians out of the war zones, but were arrested while they were driving to assist a woman and her two children in Zaporizhzhia.

Presidium Network disclosed that the Network had offered to help Urey and Healy after hearing of their volunteer efforts, but they were not affiliated with the humanitarian organisation that has been active in Ukraine.

Presidium co-founder Dominik Byrne disclosed in a statement that after the checkpoint arrest of the two British men, the residence of the woman “was stormed by the Russian soldiers.”

According to Dominik Byrne “They made her husband lie on the floor and asked her how she knew these British spies.” Dominik Byrne insisted that the two Britons are not spies but humanitarian workers.

Linda Urey, mother of Urey, was cited to have complained that her son is a Type 1 diabetic and needs regular insulin doses. She added that the family is “extremely worried”.

“He was out there on his own accord. We want everyone’s support to bring (my) son home and pray he is safe,” Linda Urey said.

Presidium Network identified Urey as a well-travelled humanitarian who worked for eight years in Afghanistan.

It said that Healy, born in 2000, is a kitchen manager for a hotel chain in Britain.

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