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Soludo sacks all LG chairmen



Soludo sacks all LG chairmen
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Anambra state governor, Chukwuma Soludo, has sacked all the 21 local government transition chairmen in the state.

The governor also asked the sacked chairmen to hand over the affairs of the councils to the Heads of Local Government Administrations (HLGAs).

This was contained in a letter signed by the Commissioner for Local Government, Chieftaincy and Community Affairs, Collins Nwabunwanne, dated May 17.

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The order directed the chairmen to hand over to the HLGAs latest on Monday, May 20.

The letter read: “Following the expiration of your tenure as Transition Committee Chairman, you are hereby directed to handover the affairs of your Local Government Council to the Head of Local Government Administration (HLGA), in your respective Local Government Councils.

“This directive takes effect from Monday, 20th day of May, 2024. Thank you for your service to the state.

“All replies to be addressed to the Honourable Commissioner.”

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