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Strengthen family fabrics to raise morally upright citizens, Ladigbolu urges 



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Retired Archbishop Ayo Ladigbolu of Methodist Church Nigeria has called on Nigerians to strengthen their family fabrics toward raising patriotic, respectful, obedient and morally upright citizens.

Ladigbolu, also a Prince and Community leader in Oyo, said on Friday in Oyo, that Nigerians needed to embrace attitudinal change to promote morality in the country.
He said that the level of moral decadence among Nigerians accounted for the high level of corruption and insecurity in the country.
The retired cleric, also urged people not to blame the traditional and religious leaders for not doing enough to stem moral decadence.
“My problem with Nigerians is that we are always blaming the wrong person or the wrong agents for our problems.
“The foundation for morality is the family.
“We have neglected that; families are no longer together, families are no longer focussed and are no longer raising responsible children.
“Moral decadence is a national malaise, national disaster, national tragedy that families should focus upon and seek to help with,” Ladigbolu said.
He said that the basic training, controlling and building bloc for human morality was the family.
Ladigbolu stressed that Nigerians needed to build stronger families toward promoting an egalitarian, decent and peaceful nation.
“We need to bridge stronger and more coordinated families where they can raise children to be responsible, to be patriotic, to be respectful of elders, to be obedient and to shun wickedness.
“Then, you have a good vision; then, the Churches and Mosques will be there to assist as building agents,” he said.
According to him, Nigerians, irrespective of their status, needed to imbibe high moral standard as a way of stemming the ugly trend of corrupt practices and insecurity.

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