Nollywood film-maker, Olajide Kazeem, popularly known as Seun Egbegbe, who has so far, spent about 20 months in prison custody, for failing to meet the N5million...
Egbegbe for the third time was re-arraigned alongside his accomplice, Oyekan Ayomide recently. Fomer boyfriend of actress Toyin Aimakhu, Seun Egbegbe, has been re-arraigned by the...
Toyin Aimakhu’s ex-boyfriend, Seun Egbegbe is in the news again. This time around, the movie producer has been caught trying to swindle a bureau de change...
TOYIN Aimakhu finally made an official disclaimer disassociating self from her one time lover, Seun Egbegbe. In a post on Instagram, the actress announces that she...