By Buchi Atuonwu
How can you, an educated person, believe this preposterous story that Christians tell; that Jesus will suddenly appear in the sky and they would fly away with Him?
They even say that graves would give up dead Christians and they would arise and join the flight. Sounds like a fairy tale.
To believe this, you’re either a child or you’re not normal, to put it politely.
Well, we are guilty on both counts. We believe like children, love like children, forgive like children… we are certainly not normal.
Also read: Alone but not lonely
Just a minute, though. It would not be first time that these things would happen. NOT EVERY EYE SHALL SEE DEATH. This mystery is backed up with history! NOT EVERY EYE SHALL SEE CORRUPTION.
Elijah took off from earth straight to heaven. Enoch too. Jesus arose from the dead, and the grave gave up other dead saints with Him and they were seen of men. He did not disappear afterwards. He ASCENDED into heaven.
Before He left, He promised to return. Would a person who overcame death, grave and gravity speak a lie?
Jesus is not coming for people who are hoping to make heaven; He is coming for citizens of heaven who live here on earth. Indeed, in a sense, the flight is already underway, we are airborne! We are hovering, waiting for His appearing.
This flight to heaven hits turbulence from time to time and when that happens, the faint-hearted lose faith, they lose hope, and they lose grip.
Keep your seat-belts fastened. Hold fast. It may get more turbulent.
Our master, the pilot, had forewarned us that the love of many shall wax cold as iniquity abounds.
Someone rejoices when a Christian loses faith. Just as there is rejoicing in heaven when a soul is saved, there’s celebration in hell when people leave the church. Yes, the church. To leave church is to lose faith, for the church is Christ; His body.
When attacks are leveled against a christian (leader or member) or against any culture of the kingdom, it is as a fisherman casting an evil net waiting for a catch. Someone is expecting an evil harvest. Someone is hoping that the faint would lose hope, lose faith and lose grip.
The turbulence is artificial. Hold fast, my friend.
Truth is, if a man, any man, can make you leave church or lose faith, your conviction is questionable. You have not come to terms with God’s calling. Most likely, you do not understand it.
So when will Jesus appear? “The day and the hour no man knows” but the children of Light understand the season.
Why didn’t He tell everyone?
He wants our righteousness to be a lifestyle, not just a project to be executed.