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Police promotion bribery scandal is true – Police source



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  • says ASP to CSP pays N200,000

National Daily can authoritative reports that the allegations of bribe for promotion and other illegal collections allegedly leveled against the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, by Senator Haman Missau, might not be a fluke after all.

Investigation by National Daily revealed that some officers are deliberately posted to some command on the order of the IGP to remit certain amount of money to him on monthly bases ranging from N1m and above.

A senior police officer who spoke anonymously with our reporter said “Since I joined the police force, this is the worst Inspector General of Police I have experienced . He is so corrupt, yet, there is the make-believe that he is incorruptible.”

“The allegations against the IGP is true. What Senator Isa Haman Missau said against the IGP was true. In fact, everything he said about the bribery and illegal collections are true. Nigerians should investigate,” he explained.

He pointed out that since IGP Idris came to office, several posting have been carried.

“Why do you think that posting of police officers is rampant these days? The moment you are posted, he has boys everywhere that collect money and change the posting as long you have been able to pay the specified amount.

“For the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) to Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP), they pay between N150,000 and N200,000 for promotion while as from Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) and above, they pay as much as N1m and above. It is no longer a secret; it is an open market.

“A colleague of mine was posted early this year to far north, he was not comfortable with it considering that he was recently posted to Lagos from the north. He was linked with one of the IGP boys, an Inspector of police, and after paying the specified amount, the posting was reversed.

“The unfortunate aspect of it is that, as I speak now, he has been posted again. Is that how posting is done in other security organisation?

“What the IGP needs from him (his boys) is to show him the alert, he would sign the posting. I wonder why people will say that IGP Idris is not corrupt,” he asked.

It was gathered that he has one of his boys, I think an SP or CSP at X-Squad in Alagbon Close that remits N1m  to the IGP monthly. These are moneys illegally collected for him. He has such men in various command.

“If the presidency is really committed to fighting corruption, they must start with the police. In fact, they should start with the IGP’s office,” he noted.

“How can such a corrupt person preside over the affairs of the police? He reiterated.


He decried the deliberate attempt by the IGP to bury the truth based on the allegations raised against him by Senator Missau.

“The Senator alleges you, instead of answering his questions, you are telling the world that he is a deserter? Where has the police authority been over these years?

“Didn’t the police know he was contesting for election? What did they do? Kept quiet until he accused the IGP of collecting bribe? Who is fooling whom? The police source queried.

National Daily recalls that Senator Isa Haman Missau had alleged IGP Idris of illegally collecting moneys from individuals and corporate organisations that were not remitted to the Nigerian Police.

ALSO SEE: CACOL urges Buhari to intervene over AGF/Magu, IGP/Misau rifts

Besides, he was also accused to have been collecting moneys for special promotion and posting of Commissioners to some states.

Senator Missau, who is the Chairman, Senate Committee on Navy, had on August 10 granted an  interview to a local newspaper alleging that police officers pay bribe for special promotion.

The lawmaker also accused the Inspector-General of Police of embezzling N10 billion monthly Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

Soon after the allegation was made, the Force spokesperson, Jimoh Moshood, debunked the allegation  claiming that the Senator deserted the force on September 24, 2010, adding that the retirement letter he is brandishing was fake.

Jimoh said, “The Nigeria Police Force hereby declares DSP Mohammed Isah Hamman (Sen. Isah Hamman Misau) a deserter from the Nigeria Police Force.

“The Force will definitely take appropriate action in this circumstance as it has to do with a deserter under the Police Act and Regulations,” Mr. Moshood added.

He further stated that Sen. Missau deserted the force when he was redeployed to Niger Command where he refused to report for duty.

