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5 body parts that may give you sign when you have undiagnosed diabetes



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The major reason why many people find it difficult to control their diabetes is late diagnosis. Many people who are suffering from diabetes do not know that they are living with this condition.

According to Healthline, there are four stages of diabetes and most people don’t discover their problem until it gets to the last and critical stage.

You may discover that you have diabetes if pay keen attention to signs from these body organs:

1. Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body and one of the organs to give you signs when you develop diabetes. Unfortunately many people fail to notice the changes in their skin that are indication of diabetes.

The skin may begin to develop corms and calluses_ this refers to hardening of some parts of the skin. Other skin infections include

acanthosis nicrigans, which refers to a darkening of the skin to make it look like velvet.

b) diabetes dermopathy.

A kind of skin infections that normally occur in the shins.

c) diabetes rash.

This may not really be different from other types of rashes that attack normal people but because diabetes affects blood circulation and attack the immune system, it’s patients may be more vulnerable to skin rashes etc.

2. Mouth

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Diabetes may promote infections in the gums, and tongue. It also affects your sense of taste. In the mouth , diabetes patients may experience metallic taste.

Excess blood glucosen may reflect on the saliva and promote growth of bacteria in the teeth and gums resulting in mouth ulcers.

3. Hands.


You may have numbness and tingling pains in your hands if you have diabetes. This is because diabetes normally affect blood circulation to the extremeties.

Another reason for numbness and tingling pain in the hands is diabetes neuropathy. So if you are having this feeling, check your blood sugar level.

4. Feet.

The same feeling of numbness may also affect the legs. Oftentimes this numbness is accompanied with tingling pains and burning sensations in the feet.

5. Bladder.

Some patients may experience frequent urination. The kidneys and the bladder may work extra hard to get rid of the excess sugar in the blood leading to frequent urination.

Conclusion: Consult your doctor once you notice any of these signs in your body to find out if you have diabetes.

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1 Comment

1 Comment


    March 30, 2022 at 9:16 am

    dear doctor, what of a tingling session in the whole of your body? what is the main cause? as i have the same problems in my body.
    thank you

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