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5 reasons your phone freezes and how to fix it



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One of the common problem we face with Smartphone nowadays is none other than “Hanging”. Phone hanging refers to the state when a mobile phone will stop responding to the commands of user. It is also called phone crash and is characterized by screen freeze. When hung, no matter what you do, your phone will refuse to do anything.

Almost every smartphone, whether its Samsung, Techno or any other, begins to hang after prolong use In this write up we would look at some of the major problems that make phones to hang and see how it can be fixed.

Running Multiple Applications

Running multiple applications at a time slows down your phone and may eventually cause phone hanging problem.

Solution: Avoid running multiple applications. Also, don’t run multiple tabs when surfing the internet.

Low Ram

Using several apps on a low ram phone usually causes the phone to hang so often, especially when you’ve been using it for a long time.

Solution: Rеduсе thе Number оf Cоnсurrеnt Aррѕ. To ѕее thе lіѕt оf сurrеntlу running аррѕ, gо tо Sеttіngѕ > Aррѕ > Runnіng App.


Virus( Malware) play a vital role for hanging your Android phone.Many times we browse several sites and accidentally or by mistake click some ads that install Malware in our Phone without our knowledge. This also happens with several apps.These viruses interfere with your phone’s background processes and eventually causes your phone to hang up .

Solution: Install antivirus, Regularly Check your Phone and Uninstall any Suspicious Apps.

Low Storage


Smartphones have limited storage capacity and there’s just so much you can have on your device before it gets filled up. Data like Videos, Games and Photos take up a lot of space on our phones and sufficient storage space is required for your smartphone to process tasks uninterrupted. Using up over 80% of your device’s storage will most likely result in your mobile phone hanging or freezing.

Solution: Regularly Clear Browser Cache. Uninstall useless Apps and Games, Delete unnecessary Photos, Videos and other Data. Use External Storage Device such as SD Card or Pen Drive to Store your Excess Data.


Continuous use of your phone while it is heating up causes your phone to hang and sometimes restart. A smartphone’s heat should normally be between 35 – 38 celcius, anything higher is abnormal and will lead to cell phone hang problem.

Solution: Do you use your phone extensively for several hours. Allow it to take some Rest.

Other Solutions

Restart your phone: Restarting or switching off your mobile for a few minutes is the simplest way to solve hanging problem as well as for working smoothly. It is advisable to turn off/switch off your smartphone for some time in every 24 to 36 hours.Whеn уоu wіll rеѕtаrt уоur рhоnе, іtѕ mеmоrу wіll be frее оf аll the unnесеѕѕаrу ріесеѕ оf dаtа thаt wеrе lіngеrіng оn and оссuруіng thе mеmоrу ѕрасе.

Use Fасtоrу Rеѕеt Oрtіоn: Thіѕ should bе your lаѕt rеѕоrt. If nоthіng еlѕе wоrkѕ аnd рhоnе ѕtіllѕ hаngѕ, уоu саn reset уоur mоbіlе рhоnе bасk tо fасtоrу ѕеttіngѕ. This орtіоn wіll mаkе уоur phone juѕt thе wау іt wаѕ whеn іt wаѕ рrоduсеd іn thе fасtоrу.

Note: Please note factory reset will wіll rеmоvе еvеrуthіng frоm your mоbіlе рhоnе. Yоu wіll lоѕе еvеrуthіng thаt wоuld bе thеrе іn thе іntеrnаl mеmоrу. And іt wіll bе gone fоrеvеr. All thе mеѕѕаgеѕ, contacts, аррѕ, bооkmаrkѕ, рhоtоѕ, vіdеоѕ, ѕоngѕ, rіngtоnе… еvеrуthіng wіll bе dеlеtеd. So you must make a backup of files firstly before doing so.

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