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APC UK South-West Caucus to Nigerians: Dialogue weighs more than protest



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Ahead of the purported hunger protest slated for August 1,2024 the All-Progressives Congress (APC) UK South-West Caucus has urged concerned groups to allow good reasoning prevail, describing the move as one that will be counterproductive and poses grave danger to the nation’s polity.

In a statement jointly signed by the Caucus Chairman Hon Andrew Taiwo and the Secretary Mr Ayodele Adigun, the group appraised the trajectory of protests in Nigeria citing all shades of interests that often crept in along the line, which most times detour the initial narratives that informs it.

All-Progressives Congress (APC) UK South-West Caucus opines that Nigeria is now blessed with a listening government, who understood the plights of the poor as evidently portrayed by the different social reforms introduced to ameliorate the sufferings of the masses, as well as the recent declaration of a state of emergency on food shortage by the President.

Hon Taiwo said that, “Considering the history of protests in Nigeria, oftentimes what started as a peaceful protest as evidently enshrined and permitted by the Nigerian constitution tends to be hijacked by clear enemies and political detractors of the powers that be.

“Then comes handy the ugly and gory consequences of arson, looting, vandalism and the height of it- a record of colossal loss of hitherto existing infrastructures.

“This development that often brings untold hardship on would be victims, who will be left with life’s broken fences to mend unaided, paints a sad tale for sane minds to ponder on and this informs our position on the proposed protest.

The caucus owing to the people centred policies of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration, urged Nigerians across all demographic considerations, to persevere a lot more as the various reforms will start to yield durable and appreciable results anytime soon.

“The frontal and decisive mien of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration speaks volumes of the level of sincerity attached to fixing the nation’s economy and like the saying goes in the scripture-weeping may endure for a night, joy certainly comes in the morning.

“While the caucus recognise the inalienable rights of Nigerians to stage a protest to drive home a point in a sovereign state, we urge our people to thread with caution, as the economic meltdown is a global reality, we call for a critical review of the situation and a deployment of none destructive approach at stating our grievances with the system if any.

“We state loud and clear that a round table discussion has been discovered to be more resourceful than many confrontations staged in time past.”

The caucus however, task the organizers of the said protest to explore the avenue of dialogue like the Labour leaders did with the President and he being a listening helmsman will treat their concerns with all seriousness and urgency required.

“We cannot afford any bloodbath, wanton destruction of infrastructures, maiming and killing of innocent souls that often characterize protest in our clime. Nigerians should say no to protest and yes to dialogue now, “No to violence”,” No to destruction of property”, Not in our name.” The caucus said.

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