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Another episode of shady entertainment industry exposed



The shady side of the entertainment industry has been discussed, speculated, and debated on for ages now. Many artist and investigators over time have had shady things to say about the
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By Oguine Daniel

The shady side of the entertainment industry has been discussed, speculated, and debated on for ages now. Many artist and investigators over time have had shady things to say about the industry, which of course has been put off as hearsays and conspiracy theories.

Two  months ago now, Former  Ghanian  Actress, Singer and Model  Joy Edjeren was interviewed  by  Vihan Damaris a singer/songwriter and Youtuber  about a book she published in 2022 titled“The Death And Life Of JJ Bunny”about the dark side of the  entertainment industry, which she experienced and was a part of.

The unique factor about what Joy Edjeren had to say about the industry is that it showed the relationship between the hearsays, conspiracy theories and seemingly coincidental but weird events that have been known to take place in the entertainment industry and makes meaning of them.

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In the account of her experiences during her time and reign in the entertainment industry to Vihan Damaris , she had a lot of interesting things to say and one of them was that at some point while in the industry shediscovered thatthe movies she stared in were first taken to the shrine and offered to idols before theywere released to make sure that did well on market.

She alleged that on her first big movie she was raped by the producer before given the role, and that on the set of that movie, not to get too graphic, but there was so much sexual tension that she was certain that it was beyond the ordinary, people would excuse themselves to engage in sexual intercourse indiscreetly and not far from the set.

She stressed that when such movies are released to the audience, they would have no idea what had occurred on the set, nevertheless she believed it would have an effect on its viewers an effect of the like.

According to her the more lewd she became the higher she rose in the industry, thatwas until after she had completed one of her movies and had travelled to the US where she got extremely sick and was at the point of death when she had a revelationfrom God that she was being used as a sacrifice for the successful outcome of the movie she had just completed.  She was eventually prayed for by a believing sibling in her family, got saved and healed by God.

A conspiracy theorist would see a connection between her account of her being an intended human sacrifice and the death of Heath Ledgera brilliant actor in Hollywood who committed suicide right after staring in arguably one of the best movies ever created, and ranks number two on the web list of best movies made.

A conspiracy theorist would see a pattern in her account of rape and the scandal that shook the Hollywood movie industrywhen a myriad of made and  successful actresses like Angelina Jolie, Asley Judd, Lea Seadoux, Kate Beckinsale, Cara Delevingne  and many more came out to say that renown Producer  Harvey Weinstien  had molested them sexually.

A conspiracy theorist would see the connections and patterns  of her account and the many scandalous events that have been linked to the entertainment industry. But thank God we are not conspiracy theorists.


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