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Atiku mourns 23 persons burnt alive in mosque in Kano



Atiku mourns 23 persons burnt alive in mosque in Kano
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Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, on Monday, mourned the 23 persons burnt alive while praying in a mosque at Larabar Abasawa, Gezawa Local Government Area, Kano State.

Atiku shared his condolences with families who lost loved ones to this criminal act.
According to Atiku @atiku

“I am deeply saddened by the horrendous arson involving 23 people who were burnt alive while praying in a mosque at Larabar Abasawa in Gezawa Local Government Area of Kano State.

“This horrific killing of trapped worshipers, and indeed of any other innocent citizens, has no place in our society.

“I share my condolences with families who lost loved ones to this criminal act.

“While wishing the surviving victims a quick recovery, it is hoped that available medical resources will be deployed in their care.

“May Allah accept the souls of the victims, forgive their sins, and grant them eternity according to their beliefs.

“I urge the Kano State government and other relevant authorities to investigate the incident and ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous crime is brought to book”. -AA
