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CAN expresses concern over continuous killing of Christians in Kaduna



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Benue state chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Monday expressed deep concern over the intractable attacks and killings in the Christian-dominated Southern Kaduna part of Kaduna state.

The association also called for immediate ceasefire in the ongoing communal conflict between Mbasombo and Mbaivur communities in Masev in Gwer local government area of Benue state where lives have been lost and property worth millions of naira destroyed.

Chairman of CAN in the state, Rev. Akpen Leva, in a statement by his media aide, Mr. Samuel Tyav,  said the coordinated Southern Kaduna killings was indeed disturbing as it was targeted mostly at Christians.

Consequently, he called on the federal government to come up with concrete measures that would bring lasting peace in the area.

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“The killings in Southern Kaduna are coordinated and targeted at the Christian-dominated part of the state. I call on the federal government to come up with measures aimed at bringing lasting peace to the area,” he stated.

Rev. Leva lamented the killing and massive destruction of property caused by crises in the country and urged the youth not to submit themselves as ready tools in the hands of wicked people to cause violence.

He noted that the crisis will not bring development in the society and called on the elite in the warring communities and their stakeholders to intervene as there is no problem that could not be solved through dialogue.

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