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Another Chibok girl ‘found’



Another Chibok girl found
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The Nigerian Army has said that its troops found one of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls during an investigation into arrested suspected Boko Haram militants.

National Daily sources close to the Military High Command disclosed that the Chibok girl whose name was simply given as Ms Rakiya Abubakar was among suspected Boko members captured during the recent raid of Sambisa Forest by the Army.

The military had announced via a tweet on its Twitter handle @HQNigerianArmy: “Another Chibok School girl found! Details shortly.”

From the official website of the Nigerian Army visited by National Daily said: “The army said it had identified the girl and her parents in Chibok and said she had been rescued along with her six-month-old baby.”

She reportedly told the army “she had been a secondary school pupil before her abduction along with her classmates on April 14 2014 by Boko Haram.”

Ms Abubakar was undergoing medical examination and would then be handed over to Borno state authorities, the army said.

National Daily sources further disclosed that the usual profiling was still being conducted on those arrested with the suspected Boko Haram fighters by the military.

Many Nigerians had wondered that after the much talked about massive raid of Sambisa forest it was just the Boko Haram flag and the Quran used by its leader that was presented by the Chief of Army Staff to president Buhari.

A total of 276 girls were abducted by Boko Haram. Twenty-one were released in October last year but most are still missing.

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The Full Statement by the Army:



Troops of Operation LAFIYA DOLE during investigation of arrested suspected Boko Haram terrorists discovered one of the abducted Chibok School girls, Rakiya Abubkar, with her six months old baby. According to preliminary investigation, it was discovered she is the daughter of Abubakar Gali Mulima and Habiba Abubakar of Chibok. She further stated that she was a student of Senior Secondary School Class 3B (SS 3B), before her abduction along with her colleagues on 14th April 2014 by the Boko Haram terrorists. Rakiya Abubakar is presently undergoing further medical investigation and would soon be released to the Borno State Government. You are please requested to disseminate this information to public through your medium.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman

Acting Director Army Public Relations
