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Consumers are the most important part of any business—NCC



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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has reiterated the importance of the consumers, describing them as the most important part of any business.

Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the commission, Dr. Aminu Maina stated this in his speech to mark the 2024 World Consumer Right Day held at the NCC head office in Abuja on March 15th.

Dr. Maina who was represented by the Executive Commissioner, Technical Services Designate at the NCC, Engr, Abraham Oshadami, explains that consumers are the most important part of any business, and their protection is of utmost importance.

“Every year, on March 15th, World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the rights of consumers worldwide and protect them from unfair trade practices.

He said the Commission in alignment with the global trend adopted the theme for this years’ edition of World Consumer Rights Dayas “Fair and Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Consumer

According to EVC, AI is a phenomenon that has captured the imagination of scientists, engineers, and thinkers for decades.

“It represents the culmination of human innovation and the quest to create machines that can mimic human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities.

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“AI has already made significant inroads into our lives. From voice assistants that respond to our commands to recommendation algorithms that suggest what we should watch, read, or buy, AI is all around us. It’s driving innovation in healthcare, finance, transportation, and countless other fields.

Dr. Maina AI Developers need to be transparent about the data, algorithms, and models used in AI systems.

He said since the emergence of  operators as providers of 5G services in Nigeria, there has been a steady growth in the development and deployment of AI systems and services and the Commission has been constantly ensuring that the growth is the right direction that guarantees value addition to Consumer satisfaction and experience as well as ensuring economic growth.

Dr. Maina explained that rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and transforming the way we live and work.


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“However, as AI technologies become increasingly integrated into various aspects of society, they bring forth a complex web of legal and regulatory challenges. Navigating this uncharted territory requires a careful examination of existing laws, the development of new regulations, and ethical considerations to ensure that AI benefits society without compromising fundamental rights and values,” he added.

Earlier in his speech, NCC Deputy Director, Consumer Affairs Bureau, Clem Omife stated that the issue of consumer rights  cannot be over-emphasis as they remain the sole end and purpose of all production and services.

He said at the NCC, Telecom consumers are Kings because they provide the major drive and essence of our activities.

“The Commission recognizes the important position the consumers occupy in the telecommunications ecosystem, and therefore will continue develop and promote consumer centric initiatives aimed at ensuring that the rights of consumers are protected.

“The Consumers will continue to occupy a special position in the Commission’s activities because we recognize that without the Consumers, there will be no telecommunication industry.
