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Peter Obi’s phone not missing, says aide



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An aide to the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, Valentine Obienyem, has debunked a trendy story that the phone of Mr. Obi was stolen while in court on Tuesday.

Recall that in a video shared on the internet, Peter Obi looked disoriented as he couldn’t find his phone where he left it during the court session.

the report stated that the presidential candidate sat with his running mate, Baba Ahmed Datti, and the national chairman of the party, Julius Abure, and therefore, none of them could be held responsible for the missing phone.

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This has generated reactions on social media as Nigerians took to their pages to express disdain over the missing phone.

However, in a terse statement, Valentine Obienyem, dismissed the video, saying it was not a case of theft.

“May I happily inform you that it was not a case of theft. He left the phones on his table to exchange pleasantries with some people in court, whereupon, for safety’s sake, one of his aides picked the phones.

“The spontaneous outpouring of solidarity was yet again a demonstration of the love of the people for him.
