Comments and Issues
Drama on the senate floor
1 day agoon

On 4th March 2025, there was high and embarrassing drama on the floor of the Senate over violation of some rule of the Senate by a Senator. As the public came to know the Senate has a rule that allows a Senator to be moved from one seat to another, and for Members to be assigned or reassigned to committees. And some Senators have been suspended previously from the Senate. And how they returned to the Senate is inconsequential to us herd.
It is not new. Before the 4th of March, some Senators confirmed that they had been moved from one seat to another, and reassigned from one committee to another. There is a Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petition to look into related matters.
However on that fateful day of 4th March 2025 something strange or unusual happened on the floor of the Senate.It was a spectacle characterized by flagrant disobedience of lawful instruction and violation of the rule of the game by a distinguished Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It was a sad scene .It amounts to a foul of the rule of the game as in football. And for which the whistle must be blown for correction in the general interest of the game.
In administrative terms it is serious act of misconduct which must not go unpunished to serve as deterrence to others. The Senate must be protected. This is why l believe that Senator Natasha is wrong. She fouled some of the Senate rules of engagement.
Our comments are based on what we saw on the floor of the Senate on the 4th of March 2025. it was a gory sight of insubordination , aggression and fury by a Senator who refused to obey legitimate instructions. It is a very serious offence to disobey lawful order. She maliced everything in the Senate- authority, officials, rules and committee.
To be more specific there are empirical evidences to show that she broke the rules of the Senate by not changing her seat as directed, by speaking when not authorized to do so and by failing to appear before the Senate Ethics Committee. Her actions were embarrassing and capable of putting the Senate in dis-repute.
In a word, it was wrong for Senator Natasha to refuse to carry out lawful instruction, to be confrontational with the authority, highly disrespectful to the Senate and its values and very unwise of her not to honor the invitation of the committee on ethics that was even chaired by fellow member of opposition group. Her actions were not not right, just and wise.
Expectedly the Senate felt insulted and rubbished. It decided to apply its rules to correct the violator of its rules.The faulty steps taken by the Senator perhaps as result of anger and inexperience on such matters and her supporters in the social media informed by some “ism” are to blame. They turned what was obviously a very minor offence into big case of gross misconduct.The result has been a six month suspension of the Senator from the Senate for misconduct-a punishment I believe is far out of proportion to the sin or offence.
This piece believes in the rule of Law and respect for the rules of a game as basis of the orderly conduct of affairs, success of a game,development and progress of society. Based on the events or drama that happened on the floor of the Senate on 4th March 2025, Senator Natasha gravely disrespected the Senate rules . She deserves to be punished , and has been suspended from the Senate for six months. She should apologize .
The purpose of this essay is to plead with the Senate to review the case and grant her pardon or far lesser punishment especially because of members of her Constituency. Effective consequence management is necessary on such matters for behavior correction and deterrence purposes.
While empirical evidence on the 4th March 2025 shows that Senator Natasha deserves punishment for misconduct, however a six-month suspension is too harsh and highly disproportionate. I urge Senator Natasha to apologize to thee Senate and Colleagues. The whole is bigger and stronger anyone of its parts. The Senate should kindly accept her apology. She is free to pursue her allegation of sex harrassment at the court of justice or family level.
As already stated for many reasons, this piece believes that Senator Natasha was wrong to disrespect the Senate rules on the 4th of March 2025. She should apologize to the Senate .A tree no matter how tall does not constitute a forest.
Evidences at our disposal suggest a case of gross misconduct unbecoming of distinguished Senator. Days of aggressive advocacy for a pet project are over. She is wearing a new gown of honor, a revered title and high status, an elected member of the highest Law Making Body of the country.
The transition from there to here may not be easy. But she must realize the truth that the younger days of activism and sloganizing are over with her election to the Senate with its rigid arrangements. She chose to be a Senator. She must therefore learn to abide by its rules and regulations. The ROYAL STOOL must be collectively protected for the good health of the society.
The piece stresses the importance of the rule of law and respect for the rules of the game for purpose of instill discipline, fairness efficiency, effectiveness and progress of society. It speaks to the dangers of deliberate falsehood, misleading impression and disrespect for the rules of the game.
The Senate has powers to make laws, rules and standing orders for the good administration of the country and effective conduct of its affairs. Their disobedience can only bring failure or bad results for the institution and society at large. Every good citizen has a responsibility to obey the law and respect the rules of the game in the interest of society.
Generally there is need to protect the ROYAL STOOL for the collective good of the country so that there will be viable institutions such as the Senate, and it’s Senators, good governance, stability and progress of country. The paper advises Senator Natasha to take things cool and be respectful of law, order and constituted and constituted authority. Her mistake was largely due to inexperience and poor anger management. They turned an otherwise simple matter into a serious, complicated one of embarrassing assault on the entire Senate – the highest law making body in the country.
ALSO READ: Disquiet as Senate breaches Order 67(4), legislative rule Section 21(2) on suspension of Natasha
It is important to stress the point that properly understood, what happened on the floor of the Senate was basically a conflict between the Senate and a member and not a between the Senate president and a Senator. This division is important for two reasons here.
Firstly, it is to enable this paper to urge Senator Natasha to make genuine efforts to reconcile with her colleague, take the right steps to reach out to them for peace ,and return to her seat in the Senate with malice to none.
Secondly, it is to enable me advise that Senator Natasha could seek justice for her allegation of sex harrassment against the Senate outside of the National Assembly – say in the court of law or family meeting. In my view the Senate might not have the resources to do a thorough job to the satisfaction of all parties.
At all times it should always be realized that the whole is normally bigger and stronger than any of its parts. Like it or not, she is now a distinguished Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and beautiful part of the Senate that crafted the current senate rules. Consequently society expects certain standard codes of conduct to observed especially inside the hallowed Senate Chambers.
As already indicated, the comments on issues in this piece are based on what happened on the Senate the floor on the 4th of March 2025. What I saw made me believe Senator Natasha is wrong. Our observation is that two issues are involved here. One of them happened within the walls of the Senate Chamber on day one. On day two, we saw and heard of Senator Natasha’s allegation of Sexual harassment against the Senate President Godwill Akpabio. The latter probably happened outside the Senate Chamber. And the charge was thrown away on technical grounds. Senator Natasha failed to honor the invitation of Senate Committee on Ethics…before it. She had made it clear earlier that she would not appear before the committee unless the Press was in attendance. I consider her absence unwise.
I watched Day one show in the Senate on the Tv. I did not watch the scene of the alleged sexual harassment but only heard of it the next day after the row in the Senate Chamber. As observed earlier, what I saw was a clear case of insubordination and disrespect for Senate rules, practice and values by a Senator in the Senate Chamber.
This is what I would like to call Senate versus Senator Natasha palaver. It was a case of serious misconduct which must not go unpunished if we must maintain the sanctity of that Chamber. It was a deliberate assault on the stool .
To recall it was a gory sight of insubordination , aggression, hatred and fury by a Senator. She maliced everything in the Senate- authority, officials, rules and committee.
Thereafter she came up with allegation of of sexual harassment against the Senate President, who had denied the charge and hinting that trouble came only after administrative changes were made on seats and committee assignments. He points to conspiracy theories aimed at unsealing him as Senate President.
The piece explores these and other sundry issues for their relevance. It considers the allegation of Sexual arassment against the Senate President as weighty and cannot be dismissed with the wave of the hand. It is delicate and needs to be handled with care for justice to be seen to have been done.
There had been accusations and denials and conspiracy theories that need to be explored dispassionately. While the autonomy or Independence of the Senate to make its rules and enforce them is not in doubt however it cannot be left to deal with the sexual harassment issue.
For instance its handling of the matter will not take us far convincingly on the path of justice. Such cases normally take far longer time than imagined to resolve, than the Senate would have for such matter. And I do not support passing the bulk on assumptions not examined through necessary investigations.
For me justice must be seen to have been done. Towards this end, this paper advises that the alleged case of sexual harrassment be sent to the courts of justice or be resolved outside of the the Chamber of the Senate- say at family level.
The piece observes uncomfortable silence by the public on misconduct, misfocus and failure to speak truth to the wrongness of the actions of a Senator who disobeyed lawful instruction on the Senate floor and calls for change of attitude.It also notes the failure to appreciate the inherent danger and related adverse implications of the subtle approval of the wrong impression created in some quarters that some people are above the law, untouchable and do not need to obey law, respect constituted authority and rules of the game unless convenient to them..This is detrimental to our collective interest, unacceptable and thus should be rejected.
The paper notes that the disregard for the rule of law,and disrespect for for the rules of the game have been the bane of development in Nigeria. Unfortunately this was the direction of the “unsenately ” behavior of Senator Natasha. It concludes by stressing the importance of respecting the rule of the game in order to allow for orderliness, efficiency, harmony and progress of society.
Instead of addressing the embarrassing conduct on Senate floor by a Senator which was largely due to poor Anger management and inexperience , there had been attempts to divert attention away from the truth. For this reason there had emerged deliberate falsehood, misleading impression, lies, sentiment of Feminism and emotion of beauty. It is observed that most of the reactions especially from the Women’s groups are largely informed by spirits and influence of Feminism, memories of the Beijing Conference and the scent, fragrance and sentiment of Beauty with its jezebelic charming effects on most of the beholders.
To cloak the truth, the lie has been peddled at home and abroad of “Senate brutal attack on Senator Natasha , women’s Human Rights, to discourage women from political participation. For same the world has been invited to do justice, reverse the suspension and punish the perpetrators of the act-The NigerianVoice March 9 2025.
While empirical evidences point to them as falsehood or sheer propaganda to win undue sympathy and support for untruth.
To create doubt some have said that the Senate lacks power to make its rules let alone to enforce them or punish an erring member. This is misleading. The Senate has the power to make its rules, has its rules and can enforce them within the context of the Constitution.
To pervert justice some have lumped or collapsed the two cases of misconduct and alleged sexual harassment against the Senate into one. Such collapse would not be helpful. It should be recalled that misconduct happened on the Senate floor without any evidence of sexual harassment.
The latter was presented the next day but was thrown out on technical grounds. In a manner of lying they say one is the cause of the other even as it should be obvious that they are different.
Today we are hearing of Conspiracy theories to remove Akpabio from office for applying the rule law. And some have observed since some people were not punished in the past there was no need punishing anyone today. While there is nothing wrong with correcting what is wrong no matter how long, there are threat of nation-wide protests by some women groups .
We can go on and on citing disturbing signs aimed at supporting misdeeds, but it suffices to note it is not the right things to do in the national interest. It is sad therefore that we are not honestly talking about the wrongness and inappropriateteness of the actions of a Senator who broke the rules of the Senate by refusing to carry out a lawful instruction.
To recall she refused to move from one seat to another seat, was speaking when not authorized to do so and shunning the invitation by a standing Senate Committ^ee on Ethics… to appear before it unless on her own terms. These are serious administrative breaches that should not be ignored but being ignored by supporters of Senator Natasha. Other deeper values traceable to Feminism and Beijing Conference were at work and are worthy of our review here. Together they constitute the nation’s road to perdition.
An important but unhealthy development since the embarrassing incident of 4th December 2025 is social media war against anyone who was not totally in support of Senator Natasha’s action by her supporters. This is dangerous. And the purpose is to justify a bad conduct by divertingn attention from the real problem of the day.
Thanks to the misuse of the power of the social media, rebuff was the treatment given to the sincere offering of Senator Ireti Kingibe for urging her colleague to comply with rules and regulations of the Senate & to Senator Florence Ita- Giwa for her wise counsel on behavior management.
Though they were derided by some people of the feminist variety, yet they were correct in their assessment and advice. I would urge Senator Natasha to listen to them. There is danger in supporting blindly what is obviously wrong and ugly. The blind support of the wrongness and ugliness of Natasha’s action on day one by some people especially in the social media,is abnormal and should be discouraged. She was not a victim of male chauvinism but her own anger, inexperience and ideological orientation.
While rules violation has been the bane of the country’s progress, the utter failure by Natasha’s supporters to appreciate the harmful effect of a Senator’s woeful violation of the rule of the game on the Senate in particular and the entire country at large should be a great cause for concern. She was the aggressor that day for reasons best known to her. It was disturbing.
Rather than being concerned, that attitude of her supporters has created the misleading impression that what “is good for the goose” is no longer “good for the gander.” It is wrong and dangerous to be pushing the idea that there was nothing wrong with disobeying legitimate instructions, laws, rules and order of the Senate.
It is the recipe for anarchy and peril of our society. And no matter the deodorization it is no less dangerous for us to encourage the idea that some women or citizens are only to obey the laws that are convenient to them only, or hell would be let lose in Nigeria. The constitution did not provide for it.
Senator Natasha must be persuaded to change her present mind-set informed by ideas of war and self righteousness. This could be gleaned from her conversations with some Senators and her presentation at the UN in New York. According to Senators who spoke to her she said she did not start “the fight” and was not “wrong” . In otherwords she was right to declare war on the Senate and to violate its rules . No it is not a war thing but respect for the Senate rules so that good laws can be made for the country.
At the UN, one sees a classical case of deliberate misrepresentation of issues to win support -what a Senator calls “deliberate misinformation”.Completely silent on charges of gross misconduct on the floor of the Senate on the 4th of March 2025, she claimed that she was suspended because of “a petition for sexual harassment against against the President of the Nigerian Senate” .
And that her case “depicts the crisis of women’s political representation…her suspension “is about the systemic exclusion of women from political leadership in Nigeria” She expressed worry about her security. CHANNEL TV March 2025. I advise that she should not be arrested on return home.
However according to he colleagues in the Senate she was “suspended for gross misconduct and unruly behavior… persistent act of misconduct and disregard for the Senate Standing Orders and not as a result of allegations of sexual harrassment or assault”. They dismissed her case – presentation at the UN as “deliberate misinformation”(kafilat Ogbara).
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…
William Congreve- Mourning Bride 1697
All propaganda, no facts. Distortion of historical account, Misrepresentation of issues, No patriotism. Anger, Vengeance. Truly it seems correct here that:”Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,..Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”
William Congreve- Mourning Bride 1697
This is the kind of feeling we get from the war songs of supporters of Senator Natasha especially the women groups that were reported to be threatening fire and brimstone and pushing for a nation- wide protest action against the Senate. Why? What for? Are they saying laws should not be obeyed in Nigeria or the Senate should not function? Nationwide strike is unnecessary. They should think twice before embarking on a very disastrous path that comes with social and political instability of society.
There are many reasons for respecting the rule of law in society and the rules of the game in organizations. One of them is to ensure fair and equal treatment, orderliness, efficiency and effectiveness, maintain standards of operations and conducive atmosphere to play, operate and enjoy the game. It prevents rowdiness and avert the evil and big danger of breaking the rule of the game.
For instance, it can ruin the beauty and joy of the game, wastes time, destroy trust, faith and create chaos and eventual fall of the organization or spoiling of the game. It could lead to arbitrary action, mob rule, anarchy, undue favoritism, the entire society will be in great trouble with the risk of descending into anarchy.
Everyone would be endangered. In a word, Rules are made for the common good of all the citizens, stake holders etc for the orderly conduct and smooth running of society and its organizations. It is to preserve the sanctity and integrity of institutions or games. Without such respect there may be no Senate or even government.
Society will become nasty and the game will become rowdy, unsafe, uninteresting and meaninglessThat is why the ROYAL STOOL must be protected by obeying its laws, rules and regulations. That is why we must not only have laws, rules, regulations and codes of conduct, also we must observe them for the hygiene of society. Otherwise the entire society will be in great trouble with the risk of descending into anarchy.
Senator Natasha Akpoti- Uduaghan is undoubtedly a beautiful Lady ,endowed highly by God with beauty, brains, wealth, courage and guts – qualities that actually combined to get her a seat in the Senate. I admire her courage for surviving in a political forest that was roared by the white Lion from Okene- then Governor whose words were the law in Kogi. As a member of 10 th National Assembly, she by implication contributed to the making of the current Senate rules which she disrespected early in March this year. She should repent by respecting the Senate rules and play by the rules of the game
In a word, there has to be respect for the rule of law for the beautiful one to be able to exhibit her beauty to the joy of society.And for all others- the rich, talented, ugly and poor to live in peace and harmony without the fear of the rascal, the criminal, the very strong and wicked taking the liberty of lawlessness to disfigure the beauty, disposess the rich and kill others – the talented, ugly and the poor at will just for the fun of it. And for the nation to grow in health and prosperity.
This requires lessons in in Behavior and Behavioral Management. Behavior management is about “doing those things that make people behave in a particular way” .Generally, it is aimed at “motivating and guiding people to act or behave in certain way that is believed to be positive in a particular setting” .So there is a goal to be met, expectations to be fulfilled. We are disappointed that Senator Natasha disrespected the Senate rules on the day under reference.
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