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Fauci quits US Diseases Institutes in December amidst hangover of COVID controversies  



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Dr. Anthony Fauci has indicated his preparations to quit as the head of the United States (US) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the end of the year amidst hanging controversies over his role in creating global tension that led to lockdowns and other protocols that restrained human freedom and medical rights of citizens across the world.

Fauci will be quitting his job to face the world that is still ruminating over the use of his office to mislead governments into imposing COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates which turned out to have adverse and destructive effects but he deliberately refused to admit them.

Fauci, as advisor to former President Donald Trump and the successor President Joe Biden, misled the US leaders into enforcing unnecessary restrictions and vaccine mandates.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was at different times involved in controversies over the concealment of genuine information on COVID-19 during early investigations in China. He was further linked with the controversial funding of gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, from where COVID-19 was said to have leaked at the laboratory of the state.

Fauci is also being awaited by the controversy over book royalties.

According to the New York Times, “While he has been working on a memoir, Dr. Fauci said he did not yet have a publisher. In an interview last year, he said he was precluded from contracting with a publisher while he was still employed by the government.”

The issue thus made Fauci fret, causing him to “wait for his final departure until after the November election.”

Fauci was in constant consultation with others between late January and March 2020 about the virus and the possibility that it could have come from a  laboratory in Wuham. He established intermediaries who include Peter Ddaszak of EcoHealth Alliance.

Fauci had initially stated that “no vaccine would be necessary.” However, clarifying the issue of social distancing, Fauci declared:“Social distancing is not really geared to wait for a vaccine. The major point is to prevent easy spread of infections in schools (closing them), crowded events such as theaters, stadiums (cancel events), workplaces (do teleworking where possible) … The goal of social distancing is to prevent a single person who is infected to readily spread to several others, which is facilitated by close contact in crowds. Close proximity of people will keep the R0 higher than 1 and even as high as 2 to 3. If we can get the R0 to less than 1, the epidemic will gradually decline and stop on its own without a vaccine.”

Two weeks later, governments across the world began to impose lockdowns, shutting down social and economic activities, relying on Fauci belief that lockdown will stop the spread of coronavirus and even eradicate it without vaccines. This crystallized into the Zero COVID movement that spread to China, Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately, the lockdown did not work there and in several other countries.

Meanwhile, some people the government claimed tested positive to coronavirus in Nigeria were isolated for seven days at various centres, after which they were declared cured and tested negative to coronavirus. Yet, Fauci led the World Health Organisation to mislead the world that COVID-19 had no cure.

A leaked email showed that Fauci never believed in the efficacy of naturally-acquired immunity, which the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention later admitted contributed to the end of the pandemic. Fauci had played down natural immunity to play up covid vaccines which opened massive business for the Big Pharmacists.

Fauci promoted the vaccines which neither stopped infection nor spread, as he had told the world.  The vaccines turned out to be of greater risk and danger to the world population.

Fauci may be called upon to account for his handling of the CPOVID-19 pandemic after he leaves office in December.


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