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How many eggs are safe to eat per day?



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Eggs are very healthy foods for the human body. Eggs are popular and highly nutritious foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and fat. In places where eggs are cheap and easily available, many people eat them regularly or even daily. That is why you should always consume them due to their health benefits.

Do eggs raise cholesterol levels?

“According to Healthline”, research and meta-analyses have shown that eating eggs may not heighten your risk of heart disease or its risk factors like inflammation, stiffening of the arteries and high cholesterol levels. Although, some research has also shown that the negative associations of eating eggs may be more striking if they’re eaten alongside other high cholesterol foods. Some of such foods include yoghurt, cheese, processed meats and fried foods. Try your best to scrutinise how you combine these foods.

How many eggs are safe to eat per day?

Even as we continue to analyse how eggs interact with cholesterol and chronic diseases, it’s becoming so clear that the risk correlated with eating too many eggs differs among individuals. Research has shown that factors like your genetics, family history, how you prepare your eggs, your overall diet and even where you live could affect how many eggs you can safely eat per day.

The number of eggs you should consume a day is still greatly dependent on the level of cholesterol in your body. For adults who are healthy with normal cholesterol levels and no crucial underlying heart disease risk factors, some research indicates that 1–2 eggs per day can be safe. It may even be beneficial and aid your heart health.

Despite the health benefits of eggs, the amount you consume should also be greatly considered.

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