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In blasphemy defence, Kano sheikh tenders 22 books as exhibit before court



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A Kano cleric, Sheikh Abduljabbar Nasiru-Kabara, on Thursday opened his defence and tendered 27 exhibits in the ongoing alleged blasphemy trial.

The 27 books exhibits he tendered include: Almuhadisu Alfasil Banul Rawawil Wali,Sunannun Darumi,Jami’u Ilmi,Tauhiful Abkar,Anannakatu Almukaddimatu IBM Salah, Al Gaya and 21others.

NAN reports that Nasiru-Kabara is charged with four counts bordering on blasphemous comments against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Aug.10, Oct.25 and Dec.20, 2019

Led in evidence by defence counsel, Mr Ambali Obomeileh-Muhammad, SAN, Nasiru-Kabara took an oath with the Holy Qur’an before he started testifying.

The defendant denied committing the crime.

He said that he translated the meaning of the Hadith.

“I was only protecting Prophet Muhammad PBUH based on the comments against Him in the Hadith,” he said.

He testified that the prosecution made a mistake in the alleged charge filed against him.

“I only translated what I saw in the Hadith. It is not my interpretation.

“In my preaching, I did not blasphem Prophet Muhammad PBUH on his marriage with Nana Safiyya,” he said.

Earlier the Prosecution Counsel, Suraj Sa’eda, SAN, told the court that the defendant made a blasphemous comment against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his marriage with Nana Safiyya in Jautul Fara, Section 93 (40) and hadith 1,365 and 1,428.

The trial judge, Malam Ibrahim Sarki-Yola, ordered the defence to give the prosecution a photocopy of the exhibits and keep the original with the court.


He adjourned the matter until March 17, for continuation of defence

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