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Man murders lover, bags her rotten remains for waste collectors



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Isaiah Chukwu, 35, allegedly killed his lover, identified as Joy,26, in a rage of jealousy, and then gathered her remains in a sack he attempted to dump for refuse collectors.

He was however caught and mobbed by youth in the area around 4 o’ clock on Monday morning.

The incident took place at the Balogun area, Oshodi, Lagos, last week, but was not known until Monday morning when he was caught dragging the sack towards a refuse dump.

Chukwu and Joy, both from Ebonyi were said to have been co-habiting happily for two years, Which is why their neighbours were surprised.

An Islamic cleric passing by was said to have opened the sack Chukwu was dragging when youths in the area intercepted him that morning.

On discovering the corpse, the mob was about to lynch him when officers of the Akinpelu Division of the police state command came and took him away.

Neighbours’ account of the murder revealed that the spare part dealer had declared his lover missing days before, and that he was the only tenant left in the first floor of the building already marked for development.

However, a friend of the victim claimed Joy had confided in her she was no longer interested in Chukwu. And Chukwu had probably discovered this when some other man took Joy’s call from Chukwu sometimes ago.

The suspect himself later confirmed this during interrogation.

“I travelled on Thursday to attend a burial in Abraka, Delta State. I left Abraka the following day for my hometown in Ebonyi State. I called my wife around 11pm to know how she was faring. We exchanged pleasantries,” said Chukwu.

“Around 11.45pm, I called again, but she did not pick her calls. I called about 10 times, but she did not pick. Then I heard a man’s voice.

“On Monday (after he returned), as I was going to take my bath, I saw the corpse.”
A police source said Joy was stabbed in the back.


“We recovered a knife which he used for the crime and four mobile phones from the house. Although investigations are ongoing, we suspect it had to do with suspicion of infidelity,” he said.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, SP Chike Oti, confirmed the incident, adding that the case had been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department, Yaba.
