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Nigeria @61: Christ Embassy reactivating Hope in Nigeria – Pastor Enenche



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The Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Christian Centre, Abuja, Dr. Paul Enenche, witnessing the distribution of Rhapsody on Nigeria 61st Independence Anniversary on October 1 in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) as in other states of the federation, eulogized the Christ Embassy for the onerous commitment to patriotism and nationalism at the most challenging time of hopelessness, despondency emanating from bad governance and leadership failure.

Pastor Enenche stated that having watched the convoy of the Church displaying patriotism in the service to humanity in a country where citizens have given up, he regained hope and energy to once again stand by the country he so loves.

According to Pastor Paul Enenche: “I woke up this morning feeling so hopeless about Nigeria. I drove around Abuja today to see what was happening, the quietness and moody nature of the atmosphere never inspired anything close to patriotism or a national day celebration.

“My heart was heavy, tears in my eyes. Which way Nigeria? Where do we go from here? All these were running through my mind when I saw a long convoy and rays of hope emanating from it.

“I saw patriots who refused to give up or allow the sorrowful pathway our nation has taken determine their resolve to hold the line and stir their country to a path of hope and possibilities.

“I parked my car and wept as they drove by. The actions of these patriots gave me some sense of hope and energy to once again stand by the country I so love.”

Pastor Enenche, therefore, declared: “Thank you Christ Embassy and thank you Christ Embassy Members for your Reach-out rally today.

“You filled many of our hearts with hope and your actions today gave strengths and courage to many to stand by Nigeria once again and give her another chance.

“God bless Christ Embassy Church!

“May God help Nigeria!!”

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