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Nkem Owoh opens up on death of daughter 



Nkem Owoh opens up on death of daughter 
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By Orukpe Rebecca.
Nollywood actor Nkem Owoh recently opened up about the death of his daughter and expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards his fans for their unwavering support during this difficult time. In a touching message, the actor acknowledged the immense love and comfort he received from his fans and emphasized the importance of knowing that he was not alone in his grief.
Losing his daughter was undoubtedly the most challenging experience the actor had ever faced, especially considering that her passing was unexpected. He admitted that he struggled to adjust to this major change in his life, but the kind words and encouragement from his loved ones and supporters played a crucial role in helping him navigate through his overwhelming sadness.
Expressing his gratitude, he stated, “I want to thank you all for the support and love shown to me and my family. When tragedy strikes, there is nothing more heartening than knowing that you’re not alone. It was with deep gratitude that I received your note calls with condolences. We have seen many changes over the years. But this is a change I did not anticipate, and I am feeling an acute sense of loss. However, I know that because of your encouragement, I will get through this time. Thank you for helping to push me through my grief.” He went on to express his deep appreciation for the condolences he received, acknowledging the unexpected nature of this loss and the profound sense of emptiness it left him with. However, he also expressed hope and strength, stating that with the help of his fans’ encouragement, he would eventually find his way through this difficult period.
The news of Nkem’s daughter’s passing broke on August 18, 2023, when a family member posted the flier containing the details of her burial arrangements on social media. Kosisochukwu, Nkem’s 24-year-old daughter, had passed away on June 28, 2023, after battling an undisclosed illness. Since then, he has been inundated with love and support from his loyal fanbase and fellow celebrities.
The outpouring of love and condolences from fans and well-wishers has undoubtedly provided solace to Nkem during this trying time. Their unwavering support has served as a reminder that he is not alone in his grief and has given him the strength to face each day. As he continues to mourn the loss of his daughter, Nkem is grateful for the love and encouragement that have helped him navigate through this heartbreaking journey.
