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Sanwo-Olu swears in 13 new High Court Judges in Lagos



Sanwo-Olu swears in 13 new High Court Judges in Lagos
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Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State has sworn in 13 newly appointed High Court Judges of Lagos State at the Banquet Hall, Lagos House Ikeja.

According to the Governor @jidesanwoolu

“Today, I swore-in thirteen newly appointed High Court Judges of Lagos State at the Banquet Hall, Lagos House Ikeja.

“This ceremony underscores our commitment to upholding the principles of justice, equity, and the separation of powers within our government.

“Among the new judges, we proudly witness a commendable balance in gender representation, reflecting our dedication to inclusivity and fairness.

Sanwo-Olu swears in 13 new High Court Judges in Lagos

Gov Babajide Sanwo-Olu and the 13 new High Court Judges after inauguration at the Banquet Hall, Lagos House, Ikeja, on Thursday

“Each of these esteemed judges has demonstrated exceptional competence and integrity. Their appointments are a testament to our belief in a judiciary that mirrors the values and diversity of Lagos State, ensuring justice is served without bias or favouritism.

“With these appointments, we are strengthening the foundations of our legal system. Their dedication to upholding justice will undoubtedly enhance the confidence of Lagosians in our judiciary.

“I encouraged them to carry out their duties with the utmost integrity. Together, we will continue to build a Greater Lagos, where justice and equality are paramount.”
