The world is still filled with some of the most dangerous tribes that are far removed from all modern developments. Some of these uncontacted people are believed to be cannibals, while some are considered peaceful. Some are even successfully contacted by the governments of the respective countries. But crossing with these isolated tribes can make you die among other deaths. So even if you are eager to explore the Amazon jungles or other deep forests, here are the tribes you should stay away from.
1. Yaifo Tribe – The most dangerous

The Yaifo tribe in Papua New Guinea first came into contact with the modern world in 1988. Benedict Allen, the British writer who contacted the tribe, recounts the fascinating stories of their terrifying dance that welcomed him. Yaifos usually have no contact with the outside world and if you cross paths with them, you are likely to be greeted with arrows and bows.
2. Korowai Tribe – Cannibals in the past

Korowai is the tribe that practiced cannibalism as a means of justice in the jungles of southeastern Papua. Animal sacrifices are common among Korowai and their lives revolve around magic and spirits. Although they have welcomed modern world contacts in the last two decades, they are still one of the wildest tribes in the world.
3. Suri People – Warriors

Painful rituals, dangerous fighting ceremonies with sticks and painful lip plugs define the Suri tribe. Settled in southwestern Ethiopia, the Suri or Surama people still relentlessly follow the ancient ways of life. Although this tribe has allowed foreigners to steal a glimpse of their lives, you will regret meeting them.
4. Yanomami Tribe – Violent and isolated

Located in the dense Amazon rainforest between Venezuela and Brazil, the Yanomami people could easily be one of the most violent tribes in the world. Although these people have faced exposure to alcohol, disease, and violence due to contact with civilization, they are still largely isolated.
5. Korubo / Dslala Tribe – Wild by all

Koruba, also known as Dslala, is a wild tribe in Brazil. When the Brazilian government tried to establish contact with them, the result was by no means what it had hoped for. Dslalas killed more than a few government employees who dared to enter the Amazon basin.
6. Mashco-Piro – The one who will kill you

Mashco-Piro is among the most contactless people in the world and has been seen in Peru. Also identified as Cujareño people, they knew how to kill an alien in 2012. So when wandering in the jungles of Peru, beware of this primitive tribe that still exists.
7. Moken Tribe – Sea Gypsy

The Moken tribe, though successfully contacted by the governments of Burma and Thailand, is on the verge of being the lost tribe in the world. They are known as the People of the Sea after spending most of their lives in small wooden boats exploring the ocean. Once thought to be a dangerous tribe, today they are largely peaceful.
8. Ayoreo Tribe – Hunter-gatherers

The Ayoreo people living in the areas around Paraguay and Bolivia avoided any contact with modern civilization for centuries. They are traditional hunter-gatherers who are choosing to come to the cities because of deforestation. The tribe he once feared is on the verge of extinction from the jungle. But those still living in the forest can turn out to be dangerous if contacted by outsiders.