The Chief Magistrate Court, Yaba, Lagos State, on Wednesday, pronounced an eight-year prison term for Azeez Adedeji, a driver, convicted of attempted Point of Sale fraud.

The verdict came from Magistrate Patrick Nwaka, who delivered judgment on the two counts of attempted fraud.

Subsequently, the defendant opted to file for a plea bargain agreement, leading to the amendment of the charges.

National Daily gathered that on April 16, 2024, at the Oshodi Oke area of Lagos State, Azeez defrauded one Titilope Adeyemi, a PoS operator, by fraudulently demanding to withdraw the sum of N30,000, then dishonestly reducing the figure to N3,000, thereby stealing the sum of N27,000.

Prosecution Thomas Nurudeen argued that this act contravened Section 314(1) and 287(d) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

Azeez pleaded guilty to the charge.

The prosecution counsel urged the court to impose the full extent of the plea bargain agreed upon by the defendant.

Consequently, Magistrate Nwaka found Azeez guilty and sentenced him to eight years, effective from the day of remand, to be served concurrently.

chines with their own, and left for an unknown location, stealing the sum of N662,000 from the account.