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Why Dr. Gary Linkov credits innovation and creativity for his impressive success



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It is said: creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty. Creativity and innovation are tools desired by many to facilitate the completion of day-to-day as well as long-term tasks.
Thinking and acting in a manner different from the norm often produces amazing results. Dr. Gary Linkov, a renowned plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, and hair restoration expert, spoke to us on how creativity and innovation have seen him through his journey.
Dr. Gary Linkov is the Owner of City Facial Plastics, which majors in facial plastic surgery and hair restoration procedures. According to Dr. Linkov, creativity and innovation help him solve various problems he encounters daily in his field.
“Often, there isn’t any specific handbook to consult when I face a new challenge while dealing with different kinds of patients having varied issues,” he says. “I have to think outside the box to come up with solutions for varying problems. Each case requires a different and unique approach, and being able to come up with solutions is very crucial in this field.”
According to Dr. Gary Linkov, being creative has helped him overcome the fears he used to have at the initial stages of his career. He says, “I was constantly afraid of tackling various scenarios. ‘What if it goes wrong?’ I used to think. But with time, I realized that being creative could help me comprehend even the trickiest scenarios. My confidence and self-belief improved massively over time, and today, I can say I am unfazed by whatever challenge lies before me.”
Dr. Gary Linkov further says that his innovative and creative nature has enabled him to succeed where many others have failed, thus significantly increasing his customer base. “I get clients from all over, many of whom have been referred to me by various parties. From what I gather, they had sought help elsewhere, but the traditional approach employed in those places did not work for them. This hasn’t been a problem for me because, as I already mentioned, I think outside the box,” he says. “To live a life of creativeness, we must not fear doing wrong.”
In the modern world, we need to be creative and innovative to distinguish ourselves from the rest. With these two essential tools in our armory, being successful in whatever we do is just a matter of time.

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