Just as a popular saying goes ‘you are what you eat’ the truth is, the reality of this saying becomes more clear when you grow older, and like it or not you need to start watching your diet as you could either live long or not if you mind what you eat today.
The food we was is what keeps us alive, and when we grow older we can’t just eat anything we like, even when we feel so healthy, we must know that alot of these food are slow poisons and will kill with time.
Well here a list of 5 food you must avoid today, especially when you are in your 30s
Yes i know Nigerians love beef and use this is virtually all our foods,but the truth is, if you are 30 or in your 30s, you must avoid beef. Beef is actually gotten from cattel and though it’s rich in protein which helps in building muscles, it’s also has a high amount of trans fat and cholesterol. When we are younger we actually are able to burn this fats due to the build of colagen and also due to activity but when we get older we don’t grow anymore,and also colagen stops to build,making it difficult to burn this fats and when they start to build it’s actually becomes a problem. Beef is good for growing up children and youths ,but a poison for adults. Instead do Fish or white meats.
Well eggs are very healthy and a good source of protein too,but the eggs yolk, the yellow part of it can be very dangerous. Research as found out that the egg yolk is as dangerous as tobacco or cigarettes. As you approach 30, you really need to stay away from eggs especially the yolk.
Yes now i know a lot of you guys will be like ‘no way no’. Swallows seems to be the traditional food in Nigeria and nigerians love their swallows with soups too. Foods live eba, fufu, semolina, pounded yam and others are so loved by nigerians but truth is you need to cut out from them if you love your life. Now the reason is this, we consume this food which have have carbohydrates and with our very oily soups with a high amount of cholesterol and fats which is a deadly combination, as most times we eat them at nights so they don’t have good time to digest which make it more dangerous for our lives.
Seriously if you take alcohol and also love taking beer then you should know that your life is in a lot danger than you think. A bottle of beer contains about 19 cubes of sugar even higher than carbonated drinks or fruit juice. So if you think taking beer or stout means you don’t take calories, you must be joking, and you should consider quitting drinking beer now,so as to save your life.
This is very important, once you are 30, please stop consuming soft drinks as they are never good for you health, they contain a good amount of calories and sugar that can’t be good for your health at all. You need to know that all this flavoured drinks are also preserved with some chemicals that isn’t so friendly with out body, so in order to live longer, we must stay away from all carbonated drinks and beverages.