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Second Republic Kaduna Governor, Balarabe Musa, passes on



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Former Governor of Kaduna State in the second republic, Alhaji Balarabe Musa, is dead. Musa died on Wednesday morning and is expected to be buried later in the day in accordance with Islamic rites.

A political ally of the former governor, Senator Shehu Sani had announced the death of Balarabe Musa on his twitter handle.  Senator Sani had written on his twitter handle @shehusani on Wednesday morning: “Alhaji Balarabe Musa has died. May Allah forgive his souls and grant him Aljanna firdausi. Amin.”

Balarabe Musa was a pupil of the progressive late Alhaji Aminu Kano, leader of the Northern Elements Progressives Union (NEPU) in the first republic, and the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) in the second republic. He won the governorship election in Kaduna State in 1979. Unfortunately, Balarabe Musa was impeached by the desperate National Party of Nigeria (NPN) under questionable circumstances and procedures.

Balarabe Musa was among the G34 who went to late General Sani Abacha, then, head of state, to caution him against self-succession during the struggle for exit of the military from government and the enthronement of democracy in the 1990s. some of the G34 allies include late Dr. Alex Ekwueme, Chief Solomon Lar Alhaji Abubakar Remi, Chief Bola Ige, etc.

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