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34 Amazing facts about Israel



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Israel is a country located in the middle East on the Mediterranean Sea, it’s regarded by Christian’s, Muslims and Jewish as the biblical holy Land ,it have land borders with Muslim dominated countries with Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan on the east, Palestine territories of the Westbank and Gaza strip to the east and west respectively and Egypt to the southeast.

It’s economic and technological nerve center is tel Aviv and it’s seat of power Jerusalem.

Capital – Tel Aviv

Official language – Hebrew

Ethnic groups – 72% Jewish, 20% Arab and 4.8% others

President – Isaac Herzog

Prime Minister – Naftali Bennett

Population – 8,816,933

GDP – $387.717 billion

Per capita – $43,199

Currency – Shekei

1) 82yrs is the average mortality age in Israel, eight longest in the world and ahead of UK,US and Germany.


2) Israel have absorbed about 350% of its immigrants into it’s population making it the largest in the world.

3) in terms of per capita, Israel have more Nobel prize than US, France and Germany and more laureates than India, Spain and China in real numbers.

4) In terms of per capita, Israel have the highest number of musuem in the world.

5) Under weight was first banned in Israel.

6) You will find more Bauhaus building in Israel more than any where else.

7) Israel was the first to develop cell phone.

8) In 1979 Israel developed the first anti virus software for computers.

9) Israel have the smallest subway system in the world with only 1.8km track and four carriages.

10) Israeli constitution is unwritten along with Britain and new Zealand.

11)The dead sea is the lowest place on Earth.

12) Israel revived an unspoken language and establish it as a national tongue.

13) The oldest continously used cemetery is in mount Olive.

14)1,088 people was once carried in El Al Israel national airline all at once, a world record.


15) In 2013 Israel grew the world largest pepper in moshav ein yahav, it’s recorded in the Guinness world book of record.

16) Israel has the world second highest per capita of new books.

17) Except south Korea, Israeli cow produces the most milk than any other country.

8) Over 500 million birds crosses the Israeli border every year the highest bird traffic in the world.

19) USB memory stick was invented by an Israeli entrepreneur Dov Moran.

20) The epilator, the first electric hair removal was invented in Israel.

21) Even with their small size, Israel have the fourth largest air Force on Earth.

22) Israel secured a free trade agreement with US, Mexico and Canada, the European Union and European free trade agreement all at the same time.

23) For 3,000yrs Israel has spoken the same language, the same name and lived in the same location.

24) For safety against airstrike, Israel designed and manufacture the first flight system to protect passenger and frieghter aircraft.

25) The smallest ingestible video camera was manufactured in Israel by an Israeli company Given image.

26) Israel was one of the first few nations on Earth to draft women into the military.

27) 5%o of the world flowers are cultivated In Israel.


26) Cancer patients have a better chance of survival in Israel than any other country in the world.

27) Lake Michigan in US can swallow the entire country of Israel.

28) Albert Einstein declined to be the president of Israel in 1952.

29) More plastic bottles are recycled in Israel more than anywhere else in the world.

30) Israel invented water saving drips.

31) The only underwater museum in the world is in Israel, you can dive in and swim through the ruins of the ancient city.

32) Israel is the only country American coffee shop failed because the locals prefer their locally made coffee.

33) Israel is world 100th smallest country.

34) In Jerusalem, some apartment requires that in the event of the Messiah coming, that the tenant is to vacate the premises immediately.

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