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Don’t be used for negative data in ember months- FRSC urges motorists



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The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) on Sunday urged motorists not to allow themselves to be used for negative data by the corps.
This it said was in view of upsurge of traffic volume in the ember months.
Mr Olusegun Ogungbemide, the Sector Commander,  FRSC in Lagos State gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Badagry.
According to the sector commander, so many people have been killed in the past due to carelessness, lack of road range and recklessness.
“And they have become ordinary data today.
“Whatever you are doing irrespective of the situation of the country or the road, road users should be very careful.
“They should follow simple defensive guidance that says drivers should assume that all other road users are mad except himself and that there is no normal person that can embrace a mad man on the road.
“So, as you move on our highways, You should be mindful that any one that gets to his destination is a good driver,” he said.
On harassment of personnel on highways, Ogungbemide said it was the reflection of the society, adding that the corps would continue to engage the general public through sensitisation and enlightenment.
“What we will continue to do is to interface with members of the public through public enlightenment and making use of various media houses available to us.
“They should know that FRSC officials are rendering service to members of the society, they shouldn’t do anything to disrupt the system.
“If the law enforcement are not on the highway, all of us will suffer, we are there to create a peaceful atmosphere for everyone to excel,” he said.
He advised the council chairmen and union executives on the need  for them to keep alcohol away from motor parks.
According to him, the corps don’t have powers to enter parks and make arrest but we have power to arrest any driver for  driving under the influence of alcohol.
“Such drivers if tested to be positive will be sanctioned,” he said.
Ogungbemide said the sector had arrested over 15,000 motorists for various traffic offences in the third quarter of the year, from July to  September.
According to him, this is based on the experience of previous records.
“On quarterly basis, i arrest an average of 15,000 offenders, this is backed on   the record of over 59,000 offenders arrested in 2021,” he said.

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