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Alleged N109bn fraud: Disband RMAFC, HURIWA tells FG



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Following the scandalous indictment of the commissioners and officials of the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) in the alleged N109 billion fraud involving the suspended accountant General of the Federation Alhaji Ahmed Idris, the Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to disband the commission or suspend the commissioners pending the determination of the suit instituted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.

HURIWA, in a statement by its National Coordinator, Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko, said it is quite worrisome that long after it emerged that the commissioners and top officers of the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and fiscal Commission per took in the alleged heist of N109bn of public fund, President Buhari is yet to take immediate action.

HURIWA recalled that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), released fresh facts on how the suspended Accountant-General of the Federation, Ahmed Idris, compromised the Treasury Single Account (TSA), Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS), Integrated Payroll and Personnel information system (IPPIS), and carted away billions of naira belonging to the Government.

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HURIWA confirmed that EFCC disclosed that Ahmed confirmed to the court that all his disclosures were confirmed by the defendants in writing, in their statements admitting to have collected all the monies.

Disturbed that all the indicted officials mentioned as partakers in the massive fraud to have ever been perpetrated in the modern history of Nigeria by public officials are yet to be arrested, the Rights group wondered why just the civil servants are been prosecuted whereas members of such a sensitive body as the Revenue Mobilization agency are walking free apparently because of their partisan affiliation to the All Progressives Congress.

The Rights group has also commended the EFCC for going this far to uncover the alleged fraud and believes that justice of the matter will be done by the competent court of law.

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