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Behold, the worst set of Manchester United (between Ole’s squad, Mourinho’s and LVG)



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Manchester United weren’t great on Thursday evening. And that’s being generous. But Christ, David McDonnell of the Daily Mirror needs to lighten up.
‘Ole Gunnar Solskjaer branded the plastic pitch here as one of the worst he had ever seen.
‘Unfortunately for Solskjaer, his Manchester United side is also turning into one of the worst the world has ever seen.’
Now, they are pretty shit and it is pretty funny, but come on. They finished 13th in 1990 and 11th the season before. They’ve been bloody relegated from England’s top flight five times. Those sides were presumably quite bad, not just some of the unluckiest in sporting history.
McDonnell goes on to describe United as ‘a mediocre outfit who have lost their fear factor at home and abroad, their former aura of invincibility just a warped trick of the mind’.
And that’s fair. But ‘one of the worst’ Manchester United sides ‘the world has ever seen’? Football – and this club – existed before 1992.
