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Cadets train to protect expanding population by 2050 – NDA boss says 



Cadets train to protect expanding population by 2050 - NDA boss says 
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The Commandant of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Maj. Gen. John Ochai has said his aim is to take the Academy to the next level where cadets will train to protect the expanding population that will hit the country by 2050.

Gen. Ochai said one of the skills he will also be promoting is the use of technology among the cadets, saying that the current war environment is being perpetrated with the use of technology.

Ochai who spoke to newsmen on Thursday in Jos at the ongoing Camp Highland in Shere Hills, Jos, added that the new crop of Army that will join the Nigeria Armed Forces have received all the necessary training that will equip them to combat insurgents.

According to him: “The Exercise is an important military training activity used in ascertaining the preparedness of the Army cadets for commissioning as Officers into the Nigeria Armed Forces.

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“It is designed to test the cadets leadership skills, physical fitness, as well as command and control abilities, among other military competencies”, he said.

However the training which is the final outdoor exercise for the cadets, is also designed to build a strong enduring character in them.

Our correspondent reports that some of the courses drilled into the cadets as they sojourn in Shere Hills, are Drum, Balancing log, crossing log, map reading, Tyre ring, pyramids, swing and ragain, hond transverse, spring jump, stepping, run on beach, barb wire , 12 feet wall, among others.

The number of cadets in training are 315 Cadets of Direct Short Service Course 27 Nigerian Army and Direct Short Service Course 31 Nigerian Airforce, our correspondent says.

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