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Former Konga CEO, Nick Imudia, commits suicide



Former Konga CEO, Nick Imudia, commits suicide
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Nick Imudia the former CEO of top Nigerian e-commerce giant, Konga, has reportedly committed suicide.

Until his death, Imudia was the CEO of D.light, a leading innovator in residential solar energy solutions.

Imudia reportedly jumped from a storey building on June 25.

Reacting to the incident, Benjamin Hundeyin, the spokesperson of the Lagos police command said the state criminal investigation department (SCID) has commenced an investigation into Imudia’s death.

 “Allegedly jumped. Investigation commenced at Homicide section SCID, Yaba,” Hundeyin said.

Imudia was the CEO of Konga from 2018 to 2022.

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Prior to joining Konga, he held positions as regional director at TCL/Alcatel and general manager at Microsoft Device and Services for West and Central Africa.

Reacting to Imudia’s death, Tayo Oviosu, founder of Paga, said they recently met at a “retreat with other CEOs and I left thinking he was a lovely human and leader. My condolences to his family and the dlight team”.

Oviosu said he is saddened by his passing.

Before making the jump, he was said to have called his brother based in the United States to give instructions on how to distribute his wealth should anything happen to him. He was also said to have reached out to his young daughter from a previous relationship, telling her he would always be there for her and that she only needed to look in the sky to see him.

His friends, family, and associates have been thrown into mourning following the unfortunate incident.


Imudia, who hailed from Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, was previously married to the mother of his young daughter, who is also from the same local government. The marriage ended due to irreconcilable differences.

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