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FRSC denies scrapping of patrol points in South-East



FRSC denies scrapping of patrol points in South-East
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The Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, on Sunday dismissed recent claims suggesting the abolishment of patrol points across the South-East states of Abia, Imo, Enugu, and Ebonyi.

In a statement issued by its Public Education Officer Olusegun Ogungbemide, the FRSC insisted that it has no intention of removing patrol points in the South-East.

Ogungbemide attributed the misunderstanding to comments made by the Zonal Commanding Officer of Zone 9 Headquarters in Enugu, Uche Chukwurah.

The Zonal Commanding Officer of Zone 9 Headquarters in Enugu, Uche Chukwurah, on June 21 announced the abolition of static patrol/patrol points in the South-East states of Abia, Imo, Enugu and Ebonyi.

Ogungbemide, however, said Chukwurah was misquoted by the media.

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“Nothing can be further from the truth as the statement was not only misleading but capable of giving wrong information to unsuspecting members of the public on the intention of the FRSC management on the ongoing operational rejigging, which is not targeted at the southeastern states of the country, but the nation at large.

“Consequently, any meaning read to the original statement attributed to the Zonal Commanding Officer of Zone 9 Headquarters to create the impression that the FRSC is abolishing or intends to abolish patrol in the southeast is distorted, misleading and should be disregarded,” he stated.
