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Governor Muftwang reflects on challenges after one year in office



Governor Muftwang reflects on challenges after one year in office
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Plateau Governor, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, during the first anniversary in office, reflected on the challenges faced and successes achieved during his first year as the state’s leader.

Governor Mutfwang acknowledged the formidable challenges encountered, including insecurity in various Local Government Areas, legal battles questioning his mandate, and the impact of a civil service strike.

Governor Mutfwang highlighted also as achievements, the reactivation of the state-owned security outfit, Operation Rainbow, and the implementation of measures to address security concerns through the State Security and Information Center.

Mutfwang also emphasized his administration’s focus on infrastructure development, healthcare provision, educational reform, agricultural enhancement, and power generation.

In the education sector, Governor Mutfwang outlined initiatives to reduce tuition fees, enhance the accreditation of courses, and provide scholarships for higher education.

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The Governor also highlighted efforts in agriculture, including the procurement of fertilizers, training of youths in modern agricultural techniques, and plans for large-scale crop development.

He expressed gratitude to the people of Plateau State for their support and emphasized the importance of unity in building a better and prosperous state for all residents.

Governor Mutfwang reaffirmed his commitment to continued progress and development, guided by the shared goal of creating a peaceful and harmonious state.
