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Group congratulates Prince Dapo Abiodun’s emergence as Southern Governors’ Forum chairman



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APC UK Ogun State Caucus (OGAPC-UK) has described the emergence of the state Governor Prince Dr. Dapo Abiodun as Chairman of Southern Governors’ Forum as a good omen of greater things to come.
In a statement signed by the Chairman OGAPC-UK Hon. Andrew Taiwo on Tuesday, the group states its overwhelming joy for the unanimous decision of sixteen governors of the southern states to have favoured Governor Abiodun as their preferred person for the job.

Taiwo said: “After the demise of the former Governor of Ondo state Arakunrin Rotimi Akeredolu, the vacuum created in the forum was evident but with the well thought out decision to have Governor Dapo Abiodun as his replacement is clearly apt.

“We at the OGAPC-UK can only express our deep appreciation for this great leap of our revered governor and pray for him to do exceptionally well in the task before him.

“It is though an onerous one but given Prince Abiodun’s leadership acumen we are certain that he will deliver.

“To the Southern Governors’ Forum, we once again express our gratitude with a charge for them all to give him the required support as he forges ahead.”

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