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Meet the beautiful queen sentenced to death for stabbing her boyfriend 22 times



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Your anger or your attitude can lead you to committing a crime. A court has sentenced a 24-year-old beauty queen to death for murdering her boyfriend by stabbing him 25 times, drawing criticism from rights groups who called the punishment ‘inhumane’.

Ruth Kamande, who won a prison beauty pageant while awaiting trial, slashed her partner Farid Mohammed, 24, to death . The judge accused Kamande of “manipulative” behaviour that included accessing the victim’s mobile phone as well as showing no remorse for the vicious attack which left “blood all over” the crime scene.

Kamande, a trained beautician, stabbed her boyfriend Farid Mohammed 22 times at his house after she found love messages in his phone from his former high school lovers. Kamande will now spend her life behind bars and on death row after a second court decreed that she has a heart full of malice, spite, callousness and hatred and which equally deserves to be punished by death.

On the issue of acting in self-defence, the judges said the claim was unbelievable, given the cogent and compelling evidence of the prosecution witnesses. Kamande is serving her sentence at the Lang’ata Women Prison where she was crowned the beauty queen.

Kenya has an effective ban on carrying out death sentences and no death row prisoner has been executed since 1987. The death sentence remains on the statute books however.

Amnesty International wants Kenya to commute prison beauty queen Ruth Kamande’s death sentence, saying no crime deserves a capital sentence. Her sentencing has excited a section of people on social media, some of whom feel she deserves the hangman’s noose for the nature of her crime, while others say she should be pardoned due to her good looks.

Do you agree she’s too beautiful to be executed or sentenced to life imprisonment and deserves to be pardoned and given a second chance though stabbing her boyfriend 22 times just because of mere text she read on his phone shows she’s cold hearted.

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