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Nigeria’s level of productivity cannot support N400,000 minimum wage–Moghalu



Nigeria’s level of productivity cannot support N400,000 minimum wage--Moghalu
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Kingsley Moghalu, a former deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has recommended a new minimum wage of between N75,000 and N100,000.

This is even as he disclosed that Nigeria’s level of productivity cannot support the over N400,000 minimum wage the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) is demanding.

Moghalu made the recommendation on his official X handle late on Tuesday.

While agreeing that the demand is deserving, he disclosed that it was not realistic.

“In the debates on the national wage in Nigeria, we miss the fundamental point: there is little or no productivity in the economy,” he said.

READ ALSO: Bad governance responsible for Nigeria’s woes–Moghalu

“If we had a truly productive economy, there is no reason we can’t have the kind of minimum wage of 400 or 500K that Labour wants. But we can’t, because the level of productivity in the economy cannot support it. Remember, the minimum wage is not just about government salaries.

“There are not more than 2, at most, 3 million civil servants in Nigeria. It is even more about what is paid in the private sector, to household staff, etc.

“All of this is why, all things considered, including avoiding a minimum wage that multiplies already ravaging inflation (assuming such a wage can even be paid), I recommend a minimum wage of between N75,000 and N100,000.”


He further explained that productivity can be achieved by human capital development and electricity, amongst others.

“In fact, speaking about productivity, how productive is an average Nigerian worker? How skilled is he or she, and thus how much value does he or she create,” he said.

“I know we are all upset at our insensitive political class, who do not care about the masses and only for themselves. But the economics of it all is far more complex.

“Sadly, it is quite obvious that the political will to reduce the waste in governance does not exist.

“Human capital development. Skills that create value addition, which is economically quantifiable. Wealth creation and profitability increase. Wages go up naturally. And, of course, the almighty electricity.”


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